December 2, 2018
“War and a Wardrobe”
Isaiah 2:1-5; Acts 2:14-28 NIV
Sermon Outline:
1. C.S. Lewis wrote a children’s book called “The Lion, the Witch and the W__________.”
- The four children in the story include Peter, Edmond, Susan and Lucy
- Lucy enters Narnia through a Wardrobe where she meets Tumnus the fawn
- Narnia is a place where its always winter and never Christmas.
2. Life can be hard, making us feel hopeless, weary, lost and w______.
- West Lincoln Hospital Closure
- General Motors Plant Closure in Oshawa
- A cancer diagnosis from the doctor
3. Isaiah the prophet begins with the Mountain of the Lord, “in the last days.” Is.2:1
- The ten tribes of Israel were destroyed by Assyria in 722 B.C.
- The Assyrian Army was knocking on the walls of Jerusalem.
- Isaiah begins with w_____ of hope for w__________ in his w______.
4. The book of Acts also begins with the words “In the last days.” Acts 2:17
- God’s Spirit is poured out on his people
- God’s deliberate plan and fore knowledge is fulfilled
- “my body also will rest in hope.” Acts 2:26
5. Many around us are living in a w________, where there is no Christmas.
- Lewis speaks of presents, remorse and thrones.
- You are evidence of presents, remorse and thrones.
- We have great hope because Aslan is on the move.