Small Group Questions - July 11th, 2021
Message: “A Gospel with Hands and Feet”
Scripture Passages: Mark 1:1, 14-15; John 3:16-21; Luke 5:17-26
Check in with each other about where you have seen God working in your life.
1. Look at your hands. What are some of the stories they tell? How have they made you proud? How have they let you down? Do they resemble anyone else's hands?
2. What does it mean to you to be made in God's image?
3. How have you understood "Gospel?" If you had to answer in one sentence (or two) for someone who never heard the word, what would you say?
4. What is the difference between good news and good news being proclaimed?
5. Who are some people that you think may need a messenger to be proclaiming the good news? Who has done that for you?
6. Where are places that you see the good news already taking shape?
7. Where are areas that you wish you could see or proclaim the good news more clearly?
Optional exercise:
Read one of the following: Mark 10:46-52, Mark 5:25-34, or John 8:2-11
a) What are the various hands and feet doing in these verses?
b) Where are the signs of the kingdom?
c) How does the gospel actually mean good news to the people in these verses?
Is there an action you need to take? Think of some ways you can become more aware of gospel signs around you and also ways to make the gospel visible for others.
Pray with and for each other.