Small Group Questions - July 4th, 2021
Message: “The Sabbath”
Scripture Passage: Exodus 31:12-17; Colossians 2:16,17
Check in with each other about where you have seen God working in your life.
1. Can you see how Sabbath can be rooted in both creation and redemption at the same time? How would you articulate the connection between the Exodus and Deuteronomy versions of the 10 Commandments?
2. What were the sabbath rules (written or assumed) in your experience?
3. How have they changed?
4. Why did they change? Good theology or frustration or just morphed over time?
5. Why do you think Jesus healed so often on the Sabbath?
6. Are you okay with the statement "sunday is not the sabbath"? Why or why not?
7. Assuming good intentions, why do you think the church made Sunday into the Sabbath and enforced Old Testament like rules?
8. Is it enough for you to know "Jesus is the Sabbath"? Is there a little more guidance or structure that you would like to see in place?
What does sabbath-rest look like for you? Is there some adjustment you want to make based on this conversation?
Pray with and for each other.