June 17, 2018
“Strengthening the Disciples”
Acts 14:8-28
Sermon Outline
1. Paul entered Lystra where he healed a lame man, enabling him to w______. Vs.8-11
Echoes of Luke 5:18-26; Acts 3:1-10; Acts 9:32-35
2. The gods people worshiped in these cities were w____________. Vs. 12,13
Irony: “The gods have come down to us in human form.”
3. Believing in the Living God, you have good news and much to w__________. Vs. 14-17
Creation and science and study can also serve as God’s witness.
4. Professing your Faith in Jesus is dangerous and comes with w__________. Vs.18,19
Those who should be most sympathetic can be most dangerous.
5. Strengthen your faith and continue to follow Jesus and walk in his w______. Vs.20-25
Keep your faith tank filled. Vs. 20, 21; Vs. 22; Vs. 23; Vs 24, 25; Vs. 26, 27; Vs. 28
6. God continues to open the door of faith to non-w_____________. Vs.26,28
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witness in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8
Sermon Outline
1. What is the greatest wonder you’ve witnessed or experienced? 14:8
2. Name three worthless gods that people in our culture worship? 14:11-13
3. Who are the people in our culture that others worship? 14:14
4. What is the evidence that you point to, in worshiping the Living God? 14:15-17
5. Can you think of a time when professing your faith in Jesus was dangerous? 14:19
6. What do you do to strengthen your discipleship and remain true to the faith? 14.22
7. Who helps you strengthen your faith?
8. What is the evidence you see the Holy Spirit continuing to open doors?