June 10, 2018
“(Christian) education inspires hope and purpose and shalom.”
Deuteronomy 6.1-9
Sermon Outline:
When does (Christian) education inspire hope and purpose and shalom?
1. When the person teaching intimately knows God/Jesus.
a. This requires setting aside time for the Divine.
2. When parents impress God’s ways on their children
a. teaching the Bibles stories (over and over) and
b. talking about what matters the most.
3. When Christian school teachers open
a. God’s creation through science,
b. God’s movement among humans through history and
c. God’s beauty through studying God’s Word.
4. When the teaching and learning in a church community is done
a. humbly,
b. with a willingness to listen,
c. asking the Holy Spirit for guidance,
d. trusting the Holy Spirit and
e. having the courage to follow the Holy Spirit.
(Christian) education inspires hope and purpose and shalom.
1. Was your education exciting? Or, can you identify with the young boy whose report card indicated that he spent a lot of time looking out of the window or the young girl who found her history class boring?
2. Is it true that (Christian) education begins with the teacher intimately knowing God?
3. What responsibility does this place on the person who teaches?
4. Has entering into a biblical story with your life ever inspired hope and purpose and shalom for you? Give an example.
5. What are some of the things that “matter the most” for you as a follower of Jesus and want to pass on to your children?
6. How does the (Christian) education that parents give to their children inspire hope and purpose and shalom in their lives?
7. If you attended Christian school(s), how have they blessed you?
8. Has attending a public school blessed you?
9. How ideally does Christian education inspire hope and purpose and shalom?
10. Why is humility, a willingness to listen, asking for guidance from the Holy Spirit, trusting the Holy Spirit and having the courage to follow where the Holy Spirit leads important in order for the teaching in our church community to inspire hope and purpose and shalom? (Perhaps take each one separately.)