May 5, 2024 - About That Call
Scripture Passage: Isaiah 42:1-9
After gathering, connecting, enjoying refreshments and checking-in or catching up, discuss the following questions.
1. How is the Isaiah series going for you?
2. When you hear that a sermon is about office-bearers and you are not one, do you listen to it differently? Does the office-bearer charge apply to everyone?
3. Who is the servant in Isaiah chapter 42?
4. What do you think of when you hear “justice”? Does the word inspire you or overwhelm you or bore you or???
5. Isaiah calls for a gentle approach. Is there ever a time for more forceful participation? How do we decide how to proceed?
6. What does it mean for us to be “a light for the Gentiles”? Be as specific as possible. Can you name a “gentile” in your life?
7. How do you meet someone’s needs when you can’t solve their problem?
8. Do you experience signs of hope that God’s kingdom is growing in the world? Share where you see it and where you struggle to see it.
Spend time as a group in prayer.