February 25th, 2024 - Our Stability in the Storm

Scripture Passage:  Mark 4:35-41


Once you have settled in, connected, shared refreshments, etc, consider these questions together.


What words or idea in the passage or sermon stuck out for you?  What grabbed your attention? 

  1. What kinds of storms do you have going on in your life? Does it ever feel like Jesus doesn’t care?

  2. How do you react in the middle of storms? Do you get stressed? Do you get frustrated? Do you trust everything will be okay?

  3. 1st Century Jews have a cultural fear around water. What are some cultural fears for 21st Century Canadian Christians?

  4. How do you feel about asking God accusation questions like “Don’t you care?!” Do you think it’s irreverent? Or do you think it’s important to be that honest? Read Psalm 13.

  5. How does it make you feel knowing that Jesus might not stop the storms going on in your life?

  6. What practical steps can we take to try to live so that Jesus is our ballast, our stability? 


Close in prayer.  

Schedule your next time to gather.

Karin Terpstra