January 21st, 2024 - Power Series #3: Rest

Scripture Passages:  Matthew 11:28-30; Genesis 2:2-3


Once you have settled in, connected, shared refreshments, etc, consider these questions together.


1.     What words or idea in the passage or sermon stuck out for you?  What grabbed your attention? 

2.     How often do you sabbath? What kinds of things do you do on your sabbath day? How do you pray (spend time with God)? How do you play (enjoy yourself)?

3.     Do you think it’s important that people sabbath on Sunday or is a different day just as good?

4.     How can we ensure that our sabbath day is more than just a day off?

5.     Do you think your sabbath needs more structure or more space? More praying or more playing?

6.     In what ways do you think that we make the sabbath day too much about rule-keeping?

7.     Discuss the meaning of the word “holy”. Remember קָדַשׁ (qadash) means “set apart”. Other than the sabbath day, what things does the Bible say are holy?

8.     How are sabbath and surrender related? What might God be asking you to surrender to Him?


Close in Prayer. Schedule your next time to gather.

Karin Terpstra