Caring Encounters - Jesus Hospitality - Encountering Wisdom's Children - November 20, 2022

Scripture Passage: Luke 7:31-50

Dear Friends,

You may have noticed that there were plenty of questions in the last sermon without my having to come up with new ones for small groups this week. I wish I could be with you in your discussions. I would love to learn from your insights. Meanwhile, I pray that your conversation is fruitful, and that you truly see one another when you meet together.

Grace and Peace,
- One who longs to lean into the invitation to be a child of wisdom; Jolene


Questions from the sermon:

1.     What does the story of Jesus, the woman, and the pharisee mean for our coffee break ministry?

a.     For communion? 

b.     For our small groups that meet together, or for grief share which is starting up again in January?  

2.     What does this mean for me every time I visit a church member and have coffee with them? What does it mean for the church and the members who cannot physically come here every Sunday and worship at home? 

3.     How do we still be intentional about sharing a table together? 

4.     What does this story mean for us when we don’t approve of one another? 

a.     When we argue over how to run a church or how to organize a service? 

b.     When we are shocked at the actions or words of those in our midst? 

5.     Here’s a squirmy question…what does this mean for a region that has perhaps half a dozen different reformed denominations in it? 

6.     Here’s an even harder one, what unnecessary stumbling blocks have we put in place of food restrictions? 

Karin Terpstra