January 26th, 2025 - Do You Have Time?
Scripture Passage: Ecclesiastes 3:1-14
1. How do you feel about having a series on Stewardship? ( Excited, bored, necessary but…. )
2. When does time seem to stand still for you? When does it seem to rush by?
3. Do you regularly feel thankful for the gift of a day, or an hour, or a season?
4. What is your favourite way to spend time? What gives you life or energy?
5. What feels like a big waste of your time?
6. Do you feel like you have lots of time, not nearly enough, or just about right?
7. Which time use decisions do you find difficult?
8. How is your balance between time spent working and resting?
9. How do you make decisions about how to spend your time?
10. Is there something you need to adjust in your schedule? How will you go about doing that?
11. How have you grown in wisdom with respect to knowing when to laugh, weep, embrace, speak, listen etc? Which part of that relationship stuff is easy for you? Which part is hard?
12. Who is in your community of advisors when it comes to deciding how to use your time?
13. How do you engage God in conversations about his gift of time?