Small Group Questions - May 30th 2021

Message: “The Spirit and Neighbouring”
Scripture Passage: Matthew 10:1-20


Check in by sharing how you have seen God at work around you in the last week and by updating the group on any accountability things you have been working on.


1.   What is the basic translation of the word "apostle"?  Are you surprised by the qualifications of being one?

2.   Can you put into your own words what it means that "the kingdom of heaven is near" and how that differs from "go to heaven"?  Is this new or significant to you?

3.   What is something that you have freely received that you would freely give?

4.   What is something you could ask for or could ask help with in your neighbourhood?

5.   Can you name a person of peace in your community?

6.   Jesus seems to assume there will be challenges along the way.  Can you see any specific thing that might bring turmoil into you neighbouring activity?

7.   Have you experienced the Holy Spirit guiding your conversation with someone?


Make plans for what you might have as a next step on your neighbouring journey.

Pray with and for each other.


Peter Van Geest