Small Group Questions - September 5th, 2021

Message: “Labours of Love”

Scripture Passage: Ephesians 2:10


Check in with each other on how the transition into September, Fall, School etc feels for you this year.


1.   What words in this passage catch your attention and make you wonder?

2.   What in the sermon was new or challenging or refreshing for you? 

3.   How have you experienced grace in your life? 

4.   Talk about ways in which it feels like your works or actions are a requirement as a Christian? 

5.   Can you articulate how good works fit into a healthy life of following Jesus? 

6.   What did God design you to do?  

7. When have you felt God working good things through you? 


What is a conversation you might have that would help you understand better or experience more what you have been talking about in this gathering?

Pray with and for each other according to what has been shared.

Peter Van Geest