January 2025

Update January 2025

The Prayer Ministry has some exciting things to share.

Lenten Guided Prayer

This year we will be offering a Lenten Guided Prayer. This is an adaptation of the Guided Prayer Retreat. It will take place during the six week of Lent (March 5 to April 20, 2025)

Our theme is “Come to the Living Rock”.  Each week you will work through the material personally and share your experience with your small groups before Pastor Erick preaches on it the following Sunday. If you are not part of a small group, you can join a short-term small group for these 6 weeks.

To read more information about our Lenten Guided Prayer please click here.

Sentinel Prayer

You may have seen two people hovering in the church foyer during the service, wearing a prayer name tag. These people are praying for the congregation and the service. It is both a protective role over the service and a readiness to respond to the Holy spirit’s leading.

Post-Service Prayer

We will continue to offer prayer after the morning service in the front of the sanctuary. Please feel free to come with the prayer requests or prayers of praise.

Prayer Walks

You also can join our monthly Prayer Walks led by Jane DeVisser, the first Saturday of each month at various locations around town. Details are available in the weekly eblast & newsletter.


Do you have any other ideas you'd like to share? Are you interested in joining us as a prayer representative for any of the opportunities mentioned above? We'd love to hear from you and welcome more prayer warriors to our group, so please don't hesitate to get in touch!


Prayer Requests and Praises

There are many ways you can contact us with your prayer requests and praises. You can contact us via the church’s website or directly to us at prayer@mountainviewcrc.org. You can also contact us personally via the Bridge App or Directory.

The confidentiality of your prayer request is up to you. We have a group of three people for extremely confidential prayers, and our prayer partners through our E-blast prayer chain are also confidential. You also have the option of sharing your prayers through the Church Family in the weekly bulletin and the Bridge App.

Intimacy with God is always the result of a committed prayer life.

The Prayer Ministry

Fill out the form below so we can hold you up in prayer

(all information and details will be held in confidence by the Prayer Coordinators)

Other Prayer related events…