Offering Schedule for December 2018
December 2nd A.M. – 1st Advent Sunday – Benevolence: Your contribution to the Benevolent Fund provides assistance for the needs of our church family and the local community. These include basic needs such as food, clothing, housing and schooling. A church and community of our size has many varied needs within it. Please continue to support our ministry of benevolence.
P.M. – No Service – Benevolence (see above)
December 9th A.M. – 2nd Advent Sunday – Calvin Seminary provides theological training for ordained and un-ordained ministry positions for Christian Reformed Churches in North America as well as leaders for Christ’s church around the world. They also evaluate candidates for ministry, offer continuing education for pastors, and seminars for office bearers. Calvin Theological Seminary advises synod and is a theological resource for all denominational agencies and churches.
P.M. – No Service – Calvin Seminary (see above)
December 16th A.M. – 3rd Advent Sunday – Shalom Manor & Gardens is a special Christian, non-profit long-term care home and retirement centre, serving seniors mostly of Dutch descent who belong to the community of Reformed faiths. Limited government funding does not allow the services our seniors require that meet our expectations and standards. Your gifts will enhance immediate resident care, programs, and debt load.
P.M. – Redeemer University College is a Christian undergraduate university offering programs leading to Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education degrees. From its Hamilton, Ontario campus, Redeemer has prepared graduating classes — the next generation of Christian leaders — for more than 30 years. Redeemer students are being shaped by the Reformed Christian commitment to see faith woven through all aspects of learning and life. Across the world, from the classroom to the convocation stage to careers and churches, our faculty, students and alumni are making an impact.
December 23rd A.M. – 4th Advent Sunday – Niagara Christian Gleaners: The Niagara Christian Gleaners is an Interdenominational Christian organization that seeks to visibly demonstrate God’s love and grace by working with volunteers to collect, process, and make available surplus agricultural produce for the relief of the hungry worldwide. The Niagara Gleaners just set up in 2018 with a new facility in Smithville. Your donations help us to engage people and organizations locally to impact globally with our ministry of mercy and resource stewardship.
P.M. – Candlelight Service – Grimsby Life Centre is a ministry that is committed to providing help for the physical, social, and mental well-being of those in crisis. This loving care is demonstrated through on-going counseling, support and care. All services are free and confidential and we depend solely on donations from individuals, churches, businesses, and fund-raising events. Thank-you for your support and prayers.
Tuesday December 25th A.M. – Christmas – World Renew envisions a world where people experience and extend Christ's compassion and live together in hope as God's community. Compelled by God’s deep passion for justice & mercy, we join communities around the world to renew hope, reconcile lives, and restore creation. World Renew's worldwide ministry is three-fold: Community Development, Disaster Response & Rehabilitation, and Peace & Justice.
December 30th A.M. – Benevolence: Your contribution to the Benevolent Fund provides assistance for the needs of our church family and the local community. These include basic needs such as food, clothing, housing and schooling. A church and community of our size has many varied needs within it. Please continue to support our ministry of benevolence.
P.M. – No Service – New Year’s Weekend
Monday December 31st A.M. – New Year’s Eve – Mountainview Minstries: Budget … End Of Year: Our Offering this evening is for Mountainview Ministries (The Budget) – Your contributions allow us to Reach In to each other & Reach Out to our community, through programs such as Coffee Break, GEMS, Cadets, Small Groups, VBS, Friendship and more... It also allows us to keep our facilities running, and in good shape. Your gift this evening will enable us to meet our financial commitments for 2018.