April 23, 2023 - "The Pauline Epistle Sandwich"

Scripture Passage: Philippians 4:1

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Self observations:
1) Love of literature affects ministry
2) Letters are like sermons?
3) I have nerves.

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Mountainview Observation:
M.V. and the 1st Century Church
1) Culture

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Mountainview Observation:
M.V. and the 1st Century Church
2) Location

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Epistles are like sandwiches
The meat isn't the only good thing!

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What is Paul doing?
He's greeting
(and so are we)

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What is Paul doing?
He's thanking.
(and so are we)

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What is Paul doing?
He's entrusting them to God
(and so are we)

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What is Paul doing?
He's praying
(and so are we)

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What is Paul doing?
He's sending loving ambassadors
(and so are we)

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What is Paul doing?
He's being honest about  shortcomings and challenges
(and so are we)

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What is Paul doing?
He's encouraging
(and so are we)

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He's encouraging, and so are we, and so is God, and so am I!
Be encouraged, friends.

Alice Posthumus