Update on Jolene Veenstra - May 1, 2023

NOTE: The process has been revised since this letter was sent to more closely follow denominational process and timelines. Please contact PJ if you have any questions.

Mountainview Members,

As you are aware, Intern Pastor Jolene Veenstra has completed her 8-month internship here at Mountainview.  It was verbally announced that Council will be presenting a motion to the congregation to extend a call to Jolene for a half-time (20 hours per week) position as a Pastoral Care Pastor.

There is a process involved here that we need to follow and a time frame that Pastor Jolene has indicated as well in terms of her availability to consider a call.

Church process:

  1. The CRCNA Synod meeting in June will declare Pastor Jolene a candidate for ministry in the Christian Reformed Church at which point a congregation is allowed to call her.

  2. Mountainview will seek congregational approval to be the church that calls her.

  3. We plan to discuss the call at our congregational meeting on Monday, June 5 and hold the vote on Sunday, June 11.  The vote will include the stipulation “if and when Synod has declared her a candidate.

  4. Taking these steps will allow us to move quickly and give Pastor Jolene and her family time to make a decision and plan their future.

Pastor Jolene’s time-line:

  1. Graduates from her MDiv programme at McMaster Divinity College on May 23.

  2. From May 8 to July 29, she will be in an advanced CPE (Hospital Chaplaincy Unit).  This will provide clinical training for chaplains and spiritual care practitioners & counselors.

  3. In June (after Synod) she will be a candidate for ministry in the CRCNA.

  4. Jolene and her husband are currently Elders in their home church where their terms end in June.  They plan on worshipping more at Mountainview over the next few months to get to know us better.

  5. Pastor Jolene can begin on September 1, 2023.

In our discussions with Pastor Jolene, she has indicated a tremendous love for Mountainview and those of you she has already had the pleasure to meet.  Jolene is sensitive to the differences of opinions that have been expressed to her but also the patient acceptance of recognizing that we can be different and think differently and still love each other for who we are and what we stand for.  It’s normal and it’s healthy.  A part-time position is what Jolene is seeking and we believe is a good fit for Mountainview at this time.

We believe Pastor Jolene will be an excellent addition to our staff team and so encourage you to vote in an affirmative way which offers emotional and spiritual support and a positive outcome.  We believe this will help Mountainview ministries to flourish.

I hope this clarifies any questions you may have.  Please be reminded that I am available for all questions, queries, and quandaries anytime.

In His Service,
P.J. Vermeer
Board & Council Chair

Karin Terpstra