August Update - August 13, 2020

Dear Congregation,

Who would have thought that 2020, which was destined to be a ho hum, average year at best, would turn out to be so tumultuous? Now, 8 months in and the world has been turned upside down, including the life of our church. It is already well into August; school is just around the corner and life goes on in this strange new world. A world. I believe, is filled with new opportunities to share the hope that can only be found through Jesus Christ.

Church is Open (well, kind of)

Well, church has opened, and our 2 test runs where successful. We had between 30 and 40 people present for the last 2 weeks. Even with all the protocols, there is still something special about being in church and worshiping together. You are invited to give it a try. Please remember all the guidelines and especially wear your mask through the entire service. We follow all these government regulations for 3 reasons; 1) They are mandated by the government. 2) As Christians we are called to obey. 3) For the protection and ease of mind for those around us. Remember to register!

Profession of Faith

This coming Tuesday council will be meeting with the young adults who have expressed their desire to publicly profess their faith. This is a yearly highlight for council as we witness their faith journey through personal testimonials. The following young adults, the future of the church, wish to publicly profess their faith.  Matthew Toohey, Spencer Zondag, Sophia Bezemer, Morgan VanderWeir, Justin Moraal, Jayden Talsma, and Luke Huinink. Join me in encouraging these young adults and all our youth to grow their roots in the Word, and to help shape Mountainview to be a missionally relevant church family that has an impact for Christ on our local community for years to come.

Pastor of Congregational Care

With the province now in “stage 3” of re-opening, Pastor Fred is able to make personal visits again. I know this is welcome news for many of you. Please do not hesitate to contact Pastor Fred or your elder to set up a visit if you wish to have one.

Ministry Associate

As reported in July we are looking for a Ministry Associate for a 1-year contract position. We have received a few applications and there is a team that is conducting interviews. We hope to have someone in place for a September start.

September Ministry Starts…

September is quickly approaching and with it we normally have all of our ministries ready to go. For obvious reasons this is more difficult to accomplish this year. We can tell you that each ministry is working with Alice, our Ministry Coordinator, to review options for the fall season including what they can and cannot do within the political and health guidelines set out by the province of Ontario and whether they can operate at all be it be on-line or in-person.

Divorce Care will be offering an in-person course this fall on Tuesday evening beginning mid-September. Space will be limited. They will also be offering a Winter Course. Grief Share will be offering an on-line course from early November to March. Other Ministry information will be shared as plans solidify.  

New Members

As a congregation we have the pleasure of welcoming Clem and Ann Bezemer back after spending several years in the Orillia area. We have also received the membership transfer of William (Bill) Vermeer Sr. from the Fruitland CRC. Welcome to Mountainview! We trust that in time you will feel truly at home and part of our faith community.

Our Giving

I believe that the health of a congregation can be measured to a degree by a positive financial position. We are falling a little behind in our income. Let us catch that up again. In his book “Bread for the Journey”, Henri Nouwen states: “Community is first of all a quality of the heart. It grows from the spiritual knowledge that we are alive not for ourselves but for one another.” It is in this spiritual knowledge that we give to the church.

Mountainview’s (our) vision statement says:

“We are a community of believers
being transformed by the love of Jesus,
bringing hope, healing and good news in a broken world.”

We need to continually share a portion of what God has entrusted us with, in the form of supporting financially to our vision. With the right environment and patient care, these seeds can yield a great harvest, “thirty and sixty and a hundredfold.” Mark 4:20

A Challenge

God has loaded everyone us up with spiritual gifts of one kind or another. I challenge you to ask God to reveal yours. Then look inside yourself and pull it out. Then step out of your comfort zone, contact Alice and let her know you are available, and she will help plug you into a suitable volunteer position.

I leave you with these words from 1 Peter 4:10-11

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,
as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God.
If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides,
so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.
To him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.”

Blessings to you all,

P.J. Vermeer

Board/Council Chair

Karin Terpstra