Update - Growing God's Kingdom - October 1, 2020
Dear Congregation,
Yesterday I felt weary, today I am the best. Why? Believe it or not, it is because of the memorial service for Frank Ritskes I was able to attend this past Wednesday. I have had the greatest pleasure getting to know Frank over the last few years and every time I asked him, how are you Frank, his response was always “I’m the best!” I learned at the funeral this afternoon that he would always answer his family in the same way. “I’m the best”. One of his kids asked him… “What are you the best at Dad?” His answer… “I am the best at being me! You need to be the best at being you because no one else can do it for you!” Thank you Frank.
Why was I feeling weary? The COVID-19 numbers are climbing. Some of us are afraid and hunkering down again. Some of us are going about our lives fairly normally on a day to day basis. Some of us think this is all bunk and our political leaders and health leaders are scaring the population into submission. How in the world do we as a church make decisions with this major distraction and mix of reaction to a world crisis?
I’ll tell you how. By following Paul’s advice to the Romans in Romans 13:1 where it is written,
“Everyone must submit themself
to the governing authorities,
for there is no authority except
that which God has established.”
In the case of COVID-19 our “authorities” are only trying to protect the entire population, and therefore is in sync with our Christian principles. Let us continue to respect our diverse opinions during this pandemic and choose to make use of this time to galvanize the missional vision of Mountainview and be ready for the opportunities that lay ahead.
There are a few things that we need to cover today. I will address them by topic.
Finance. First, I would like to say that at the end of the day, I am always amazed at the generosity of our congregation. I will break this down a little for you.
Income. Our ministry income has dropped during the summer months and as a result we are sitting at 86% of our promised giving year to date as of September 30. We are currently behind by approximately $60,000. As a reminder, we count on an income of just under $70,000 each and every month. This is however our normal situation this time of year.
I have a dream. (My dad always told me as I was growing up; “It’s good to dream, and when you dream, dream big!”) For my devotions yesterday I was led to “The Parable of the Bags of Gold” found in Matthew 25:14-30. It is worth a read to remind each of us what is expected with the gifts God has given us. My dream is that we be a first fruits people. That we give as we receive rather than give as the need arises or what is left over at the end of year. I ask you to please join me in catching up to our ministry promise so that we can avoid the “meet the budget Sunday” of previous years. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we exceeded our needs thereby allowing the ability to expand our missional vision?
Expenses. To date we are seeing some savings however we are also seeing some higher expenses. In all likelihood it looks like there will be some savings at the end of the year.
Narrative budget for 2021. All ministries have been asked to present their budget request for 2021 in the form of a narrative with a missional goal or perspective. This information is coming in as you read this. It will be interesting to see the final results.
Donation options. Just a quick review of the options to make your ministry donations.
1) Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR),
2) E-Transfer directed to treasurer@mountainviewcrc.org
3) Mail to or drop off a cheque or cash at the church,
4) Drop directly into offering bag at the sanctuary entrance on Sunday,
5) Directly through the Bridge app.
Search for a new pastor. The search team has been doing an amazing job. On September 24 the search committee presented council with a pastor to consider for a call to Mountainview. On September 30 council had the opportunity to meet with this pastor via zoom and later that evening voted unanimously in favour of presenting this individual to the congregation for the “Call”. Details will be shared at the end of the week.
Staff Updates. Cinde, our custodian, continues to work with reduced hours, Alice, our Ministry Coordinator, has volunteered to reduce her hours slightly, Christine, our Children’s Ministry Director, has reduced hours at church because we cannot run the children’s program at this time but has been able to make this up by helping out at Cairn Christian Schools where more help was needed due to COVID-19. And we have hired Brandon Vermeer to fill a one-year, full-time contract as our Ministry Associate. His focus will be on Youth, Small Groups and our Online presence.
Profession of Faith is something that normally takes place in the spring each year. It is an opportunity for those who desire to profess their faith to come before the congregation and express that faith publicly, thereby becoming full members of the church. This will be happening on Sunday, November 1st. Be sure to stay tuned.
Committee for Protection, Integration and Inclusion. Their work is done and the committee had been disbanded with great thanks for a job well done. There is a final document now completed that will steer the leadership of this church in any cases of sexual abuse and pedophilia. This document is available for your information on our website under information and policies. The document is titled “Protocols for the Protection of Sexual Abuse Victims and the Integration and Inclusion of Sexual Offenders.”
Mountainview Media Ministry. You would know this as our Audio Visual team. This team has been extremely busy improving our capabilities in both on-line and in-house worship. Over 4,000 feet of co-ax cable has been added for additional cameras and screens. 2 new audio boards have been installed which will give a much more fluid on-line experience. A new switcher has been installed allowing 20 inputs and now we have a total of 10 cameras as well as in-ear devices for our worship teams.
And there is still more to be done. Stage lighting will be installed for better video lighting and sanctuary ambiance. A new screen for a much clearer picture will be installed as well as 2 large video monitors on either side of the stage and blinds for the top windows in the sanctuary also to enhance video quality.
In closing, every discussion in every ministry needs to be focused on the vision of being a missionally relevant church serving those both inside and outside of our membership base. The kind of church Christ has called us to be when He simply stated;
“Therefore go and make disciples,
baptizing them in the name of the Father
and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19
So ask in your group, committee or team:
How is what we are doing, missional?
If it is not… can it be? How? What can we do to make it missional?
If it is… How can it be made better, more relevant in today’s culture, in our community?
Pray about it. Ask God for direction!
Our purpose is to grow God’s Kingdom. This is the time to be a real disciple. Just do it!
Have a blessed week,
P.J. Vermeer
Council/Board Chair