May 1st, 2020
Mountainview Christian Reformed Church is a community of believers, being transformed by the love of Jesus and bringing hope, healing and good news in our broken world. We are reminded of the lyrics to A Mighty Fortress is Our God, which starts, “A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing. Our helper He, amid the flood, of mortal ills prevailing”. We know that God is our helper in the midst of any challenges we face in this broken world, and that He prevails against these challenges.
Member and Community Assistance
Near the beginning of the pandemic, the deacons set up a program to assist our members with grocery store and pharmacy trips for those in quarantine or self-isolating. We are so happy to report that we are up to 19 volunteers! Thank you so much to those who have put their name forward to assist.
We have heard many great stories of volunteers helping other church and family members as well as their neighbours and those in the community. It is so amazing to see how everyone is coming together and being the hands and feet of Jesus during this tough time!
In order to broaden our reach we are running an advertisement in this week’s paper to offer help to our community. Be sure to check it out in the April 30th edition of The Grimsby Lincoln News.
If you are in need of any assistance, please note you can always reach out to or contact your neighbourhood deacon directly. We are happy to help!
Grimsby Benevolent Fund FEED HOPE Campaign - Tomorrow!
The GBF is holding a community-wide food drive collection in Grimsby this Saturday.
On Saturday, May 2 the Grimsby Firefighters Association, the Town of Grimsby and the Grimsby Benevolent Fund (GBF) are teaming up to FEED HOPE through a porch pick up, food donation event. The Grimsby Benevolent Fund has seen increases in food bank needs, and this event aims to replenish supplies to ensure that the food bank can provide necessary food supplies for our community families.
“COVID-19 has brought many challenges these past few weeks. Now more than ever we need your support to ensure we continue to support our local families. To date we have serviced 1237 individuals of that includes 805 adults 432 children”, says Stacy Elia, Executive Director of GBF.
All Grimsby residents are asked to support this important community activity by donating non-perishable food items to GBF. Residents are asked to leave food donations, pet supplies and hygiene products in a bag or box on their front porch, or outside of their front door. For rural areas or houses set back from the road, residents are asked to leave the donation at the end of their driveway. Both Grimsby Firefighters and Town of Grimsby staff will be collecting items and bringing them to GBF throughout the day. Items should be ready for pick up and placed outside at 8am, and community wide collection should be complete by 4pm. Collectors will be practicing physical distancing, and any sharing of vehicles will be of immediate family only to ensure everyone’s safety.
If you are unable to leave a donation outside, residents are also encouraged to donate online at All financial donations received on Saturday, May 2 will be received as part of the FEED HOPE campaign and food drive. For more information about GBF and the services that they provide please visit their website at
Faithful Giving
We want to thank everyone who has continued to support Mountainview with both prayers and donations at this time. We recognize that not everyone is in a position to give to the church for the budget and/or the organizations that our church supports through our offerings. If you have been blessed and are able to give to assist in meeting our monthly budget obligations, here are some of the ways you can do so:
E-transfer directed to with the word “Budget” in the message field, and/or the name of the organization to which you’d like to direct your donation.
PAR - an amount of your choosing can be automatically withdrawn from your bank account on a monthly basis.
Mail - please mail any cheques to the church address: 290 Main Street East, Grimsby, ON, L3M 1P8
Bridge App - this app has a donation function to make a donation by credit card.
Our weekly offering schedule can be accessed on our website under Weekly Update > Offerings. You can mail cheques to the Church for these organizations (place a note in the memo section), or look into that organization’s online giving options.