April 4th, 2021
“Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering…
He was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed”. Isaiah 53:4-5
We tell of the glory of He who died and reigns on high, eternal life to bring, He who lives that death may die. What an amazing gift! What a Saviour! May God bless you and your families as you celebrate this Easter.
Member Assistance
COVID19 Vaccinations
We praise God that there is a vaccine available for COVID19 and rejoice with those who have had the opportunity to receive their dose(s).
For information on how to get your vaccine, go to:
If you need assistance with booking, please feel free to contact your neighbourhood deacon, email deacons@mountainviewcrc.org or contact jendejonge@hotmail.com. We trust that God will continue to guide us and keep us safe and healthy through this difficult time.
Refugee Family Update
We have another update on our refugee family and give thanks to God that this process is moving forward in a more real way!
At this stage of the process, we are requesting furniture donations, as we are required to provide a furnished home for the Tooe family. Please contact deacons@mountainviewcrc.org, jendejonge@hotmail.com, or your neighbourhood deacon to make arrangements for these donations. Thank you in advance for your generosity!!
Semula Horlings, our co-sponsor, has advised that the Tooe family were taken to the town of Maesot, a considerable distance away from their refugee camp in Thailand, where they were given their second round of medicals, in preparation for their flight to Canada. The initial medicals took place in late January. Following this, they were then returned to their refugee.
Security checks are still to be completed, and then in approximately two months’ time, their departure to Canada will take place.
At such a point in time that we receive definitive arrival information, World Renew will contact us first to have us ensure that requirements are in place to accept this family.
We were able to secure suitable housing arrangements already, which is such a blessing considering the unknowns with their arrival, and the size of the Tooe family. Stay tuned for additional updates!
World Renew
Over the past year World Renew has discovered that virtual connections can lead to relationships that thrive, despite not facilitating international volunteers or tours for the remainder of 2021. If you are interested, please register for the webinar, Partnering Well During the Pandemic and Beyond, on April 22, 2021 at 7:00 pm.
Click here to register for this webinar:
Doorways Into the World
Typically, we would host a number of organizations with whom we are partnered, during the first Sunday of March. You may recall this provided a great opportunity to hear about the wonderful work the organizations are doing and put a face to the organizations we support as a church throughout the year.
This year, with pandemic-related restrictions we were unable to host these partners for our Doorways Into the World Sunday in a way that would do justice to the event, while still being mindful of guidelines.
We are therefore taking the opportunity to highlight the following organizations:
World Renew in Cambodia:
World Renew embraces a family-centered approach to ending global poverty with food security, peace and justice, economic opportunity, community health, and disaster response. Through this whole-person intervention model, World Renew joins hundreds of thousands of families in more than 30 developing countries to change global hunger, poverty, and injustice.
Mountainview CRC partners with World Renew in Cambodia, as well as through Canadian Foodgrains Bank, World Hunger, the Gift Catalogue, and more. Visit worldrenew.ca to learn more!
The Gideons International in Canada & Shareworld Global
This organization has a focus on equipping everyday men and women of all ages for effective evangelism. They have developed training tools so believers everywhere would feel more confident in sharing the gospel in an increasingly secularized world. By igniting and fuelling a passion for evangelism in the hearts of believers, more churches will see their congregations excited and ready to finally go and fulfill Christ’s great commission.
Today, The Gideons are active in dozens of countries around the world—equipping, training, and mobilizing believers through local church partnerships and strategic partnerships, all for the glory of God.
Click on the following link for a ministry overview video:
Stay tuned for our next Deacons’ Corner on May 2, 2021