Lent Worship: Creating Space for God
March 6 – Faith Formation Practice: Silence
March 13 – Faith Formation Practice: Fasting
March 20 – Faith Formation Practice: Service
March 27 – Faith Formation Practice: Hospitality
April 3 – Faith Formation Practice: Study (engaging Scripture)
April 10 – Faith Formation Practice: Creation
There are two main visual reminders/symbols that will be present at each worship service to help us understand and see and experience “creating space for God.”
1. A rock(s) will be placed in a bowl on the stage to represent the “giving up” of a burden, an addiction, a weight, a distraction in our lives. (Someone will be assigned each week to do this ritual action on all of our behalf.) These rocks will be available in the foyer as well if you want to take one home, and keep it close as a reminder of what you are giving up for Lent.
2. After a representative “burden” has been given up, we will pour water into a glass baptismal bowl to symbolize our cleansing, and the “filling up” that God will do in our lives as we’ve created space for him.
To help you connect Sunday worship to everyday life, you will also be challenged to practice the “spiritual discipline” of the week at home. The pastors will give you tips in their sermon. For more ideas check out the Faith Formation Project from the CRC. We aren’t doing all of these spiritual disciplines, but you might find a different one that will work well for you or your family. Lots of family and small group ideas! https://www.crcna.org/FaithPracticesProject.
A couple of specific opportunities coming up for your worship participation:
· Wednesday, March 2 is Ash Wednesday: we will have a brief service of prayer, song, silence, reflection, and the imposition of ashes to begin in the Lenten season. Join us at 7 PM in the worship auditorium.
· March 20: Spiritual Discipline of service. A bingo card will be provided for you to take home to fill out with your families, households, room-mates, or small groups. Try to check off all the service activities on the card.
· April 3: I will be looking for someone to memorize a scripture passage this week! If you want to volunteer, please let me know.
· April 10: Spiritual Discipline of Creation. Starting anytime from now until the week of April 10 I would love to see your photos of creation that bring you a connection to God or help you create space for God.
· All during Lent, please take photos of you and/or your family or small group, or households participating in any of the spiritual disciplines. (A service activity; sitting in silence; studying scripture).
· Holy Week: during Holy Week (last week of Lent leading up to Good Friday and Easter) we will have some awesome colouring pages available for children, or for anyone who loves the discipline and meditation of colouring.
· Testimonies: last but definitely not least, we would all be encouraged and enriched in our faith to hear a story of how God worked in your life through one of the spiritual disciplines this season. Please let Pastor Erick know if you have anything to share in worship.
And finally, here is a new worship playlist I’ve prepared for you for this season:
In Christ, Ruth Ann