The Worship Ministry Team of Mountainview is a selected group of persons from our church community who provide leadership, ideas, support, and resources for those involved in planning and leading worship at Mountainview. We meet 3x per year to learn, give feedback, help plan seasonal series, and set the worship budget.
We are guided by this Worship Statement:
Worship at Mountainview will be:
Biblical and theme-based, as much as possible, following the church year calendar
Authentic: acknowledge brokenness and need for God
Celebrative: a response of gratitude for the love of Jesus.
Accessible to all, hospitable and engaging
The best that we can offer, using the gifts of Mountainview’s community.
Transformative, as the Holy Spirit works through the songs, prayers, and sermon to encourage us as Jesus-followers
Balanced (old v. new; pastoral v. prophetic; formation v. expression; complex v. simple)