What's Going On? Learning Opportunities
What’s Going On? Learning opportunities – October 8th, 2024
There are wonderful learning and growth opportunities at Mountainview, and a few broader experiences worth considering as well. One of my colleagues talks about the role of curator. As in, part of the leadership job is to encourage people to read, listen, and attend good stuff. And since there are many, many opportunities the curating part is selecting those which are worth the little extra push.
For example, if you are a regular participant on Sunday mornings, I don’t need to tell you what podcasts I favour. So, I don’t need to repeat that at this time.
And if you are a seasoned elder or deacon of the last stretch of years, you don’t need me to let you know how valuable our fall leadership retreat has been for our staff and council. This year the date is the last weekend of November (29 & 30), so a bit later. And the retreat is being designed by Pastor Brady. I can tell you I am excited by what he has shown me so far, but will leave it to him to promote further as he sees fit.
The big thing I would like to share at this time is the Moving Forward in Faith conference in Burlington on November 15 & 16. The Friday evening is a worship event with a keynote speaker. Then Saturday you can do 3 workshops or 1 workshop and a bus tour experiencing some missional activity. This event is a reboot of what many may remember as the Day of Encouragement. There are a variety of sessions led by topnotch leaders from the ministries that are part of the system in which we work (Diaconal Ministries & Resonate Global Mission). In case it helps, I know most of the presenters personally and will vouch for them be engaged and passionate leaders.
This event is open to all. There is a session for families on mission, a young adult session, leadership material and some specific Deacon stuff. Click on the link in our announcement slides and check out what might be for you: https://www.resonateglobalmission.org/moving-forward-faith.
Pastor Erick Schuringa