Stay more connected with all things that are happening here
at Mountainview Church with “The Bridge App” (TBA).
Check out all of the unique features of the app by visiting the CRCNA Website: www.crcna.org/resources/church-resources/bridge-app. You can download the app directly by clicking one of Playstore images to the right.
We are excited to share all of the features of the app with our church members … but it only works if you download the app today.
Explore the app to see features like:
push notifications of prayer requests for our church
church directory with “Direct-click” phone and email access
Neighbourhood leaders
Weekly service videos/livestreaming
Weekly message podcasts
“Today” and a variety of other daily devotionals
The Bible (in multiple versions)
Donating directly from the Bridge App (encrypted, secure, Fortune 500 company level security features)
… and more!
If you have any questions about The Bridge App, contact Karin at office@mountainviewcrc.org or call 905-945-0004.