Genesis 1:26-27; Matthew 28:18-20; 2 Corinthians 3:18
Once you have settled in, connected, shared refreshments, etc, consider these questions together.
This message was given in the context of a baptism service. Talk about any questions you have about sprinkling vs immersion and about infant vs believers’ baptism.
Does the basic image or concept of the message work for you? (that in baptism we are immersed in God’s identity) Why or why not?
When you think of humans as being “in the image of God” what activities or abilities do you think of?
Put in your own words the reason God prohibits making carved or molded images for worship. (Exodus 20:4)
What is important about the fact that Jesus is both God and the image of God? (Colossians 1:15)
What concrete thing can you do to show that you are immersed in God the father and are a family member of his family?
How can you show that you are immersed in the reconciliation work of your brother Jesus? Or, with whom do you need to work out some differences?
What is your plan for transformation or growth in the Holy Spirit in the next year?
Spend time praying with and for each other according to what has been shared in this conversation. Schedule your next time to gather.