June 9, 2024 - Celebrities or Saints?
Scripture Passage: Daniel 3
Once you have settled in, connected, shared refreshments, etc, consider these questions together.
1. What words or idea in the passage or sermon stuck out for you? What grabbed your attention?
2. Has there been a situation in your life where you desperately asked God to do something and he answered no? How did that make you feel?
3. Who are some popular celebrities that people follow today?
a. Actors, musicians, athletes, content creators, pastors, etc.
4. Define what it means to be a celebrity. Define what it means to be a saint. Why do you think more people want to be like Princess Diana than like Mother Theresa?
5. What are some ways that people try to build up their own image? Are there some that feel especially enticing for you, personally?
6. What are some practical ways that Christians can reflect the image of God?
7. What do you think Jesus means when he tells us to “take up our cross” in order to be his disciple? (Matthew 16:24) How did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego take up their cross?
Close in prayer. Schedule your next time to gather.