March 24, 2024 - The Servant King
Scripture Passage: Matthew 21:1-11
Once you have settled in, connected, shared refreshments, etc, consider these questions together.
1. What words or idea in the passage or sermon stuck out for you? What grabbed your attention?
2. Have you committed to any spiritual practices for Lent? Have you committed to any for Holy Week? Why or why not?
3. Put yourself in Jesus’ shoes: riding on a donkey, people laying down their cloaks, waving palm branches, shouting praise and asking you to save them. But you know they’ve got it wrong. They don’t want eternal salvation, they want salvation from Rome; which you aren’t going to give them. How do you feel?
4. Put yourself in the Jewish people’s shoes: You and your family have been oppressed and unfairly treated as long as you can remember. Now an amazing prophet who performs all kinds of miracles is arriving in Jerusalem clearly claiming to be the Messiah (calling himself Lord, riding on a donkey’s colt). How do you feel? What do you want from this prophet?
a. Will how you feel change when you find out he isn’t going to overthrow Rome?
5. What goals do you have for life? Do any of them compete with your love for Jesus?
6. What are some ways that you serve in your community?
7. What are some ways that you can be served by your community?
Close in prayer. Schedule your next time to gather.