March 10, 2024 - The One Who Helps Us Love

Scripture Passage:  Luke 7:36-50


After gathering, connecting, enjoying refreshments and checking-in or catching up, discuss the following questions.


1.     Share a time when you either forgave or were forgiven.  How did that feel?

2.     Share a time when you were invited to a meal that was not expected (not family, friends etc)

3.     Have you ever invited someone to a meal who was beyond your family friend circle?

4.     Can you imagine doing anything like what the woman in Luke 7 does?  What might be a present-day equivalent?

5.     How do you understand Jesus knowing what Simon was thinking?  (Simon muttered to himself and Jesus heard, Jesus read the situation, the Holy Spirit revealed it to him, he is God so of course he knew, etc)

6.     Luke seems fine introducing the woman as one who lived a sinful life, the Pharisee labels her a sinner – discuss what you think this means for how we talk about and label people.

7.     Think about people you “see” regularly but do not know.  How might you see then more fully?

8.     How many of the things the woman did to Jesus and Simon did not do you think he was expected to do?

9.     What does this passage tell you about the connection between forgiveness and love?

10.            Who do you most relate to in this passage and why?

11.            What is most helpful from this passage?

12.            What is most challenging or confusing or difficult?


Spend time as a group in prayer.

Karin Terpstra