Small Group Questions - April 18th, 2021
1. Catch up with each other, sharing what you have been working on, what has happened lately that seems significant, and how you are feeling.
2. Share one story from your life that you would see as life-shaping in its significance.
Message: Knowing Our Story
Scripture Passage: 1 Peter 3:8-18
Reflection on Scripture and Message
1. Have you had an experience of being challenged for what you believe?
2. Is there a relationship you are in from which you sense you need to absorb negativity or brokenness?
3. Would you consider yourself more naturally “invitational” or “challenging”? that is, do you tend to lead with grace or truth?
4. Have you ever shared a testimony or your story? What was the context?
5. Is there anyone in your life with whom it might be time to share more of your story? What feels like the biggest barrier to that happening?
1. Discuss as a group if you would like to do the “Sticky note timeline” exercise below. Discuss logistics like if each of you will do it on your own (a and b could be done together), does everyone have access to coloured post-it notes, when and how will the sharing take place, etc.
Sticky-note timeline instructions:
a. Pray, asking God to reveal what He wants you to remember (recognizing that you won’t remember everything and that is okay)
b. Spend time in silence, receiving memories, write them down immediately and quickly
c. Transfer each memory to a sticky note…one per note. Decide ahead of time what different colours or sizes of sticky notes will represent: happy memories, tough times, places, people, life changing events, etc…do this in a way that makes sense of your memory material.
d. Place the sticky notes on a large paper or Bristol board according to whatever organizational pattern makes sense to you.
e. Share your story with your group.
2. Talk about what you will be working on individually. Spend time praying for each other.