October 14, 2018
“The Sin of Greed”
Genesis 13:1-13 NIV; Matthew 6:33 NIV
· Greed is love of one’s possessions/wealth.
· The symptoms of greed are: desiring more wealth/possessions; wanting to hold onto one’s possessions/wealth.
· The opposite of greed is generousity.
1. The root of both greed and generousity is a belief.
a. Lot believed in a myth of scarcity.
i. He showed utter disrespect for his father.
ii. He was greedy.
b. Abram believed in a God of abundance.
i. He willingly gave up what he was entitled to.
ii. He was generous.
2. Jesus knew a God of abundance.
a. He willingly gave up what he was entitled to:
i. the glory of his Father’s throne,
ii. justice and
iii. sinlessness.
b. He generously gave his life for the joy that was set before him (Romans 12.2).
i. The joy set before Jesus reveals a God of abundance.
3. The word of Matt. 6.33 reveals a God of abundance.
a. “Seek ye first” often means to willingly take the short end of the stick.
b. When we do, all of these things – food, clothing, shelter, forgiveness, mercy, encouragement and justice – are given to us in abundance.
A God of abundance sets us free to be generous, not greedy.
Small Group Questions:
1. When Jesus looked into the soul of the rich, young man and made a diagnosis, we read, “and he (Jesus) loved him.” Does this surprise you?
2. In your experience, is it true that the symptoms of greed are wanting more possessions and/or wanting to hold onto one’s wealth?
3. Is the sin of greed a problem for you?
4. Lot believed in the myth of scarcity. It was scarcity (famine) that drove Abram and Lot to Egypt. Do you believe in this myth? Is there enough for everyone?
5. Is the myth of scarcity the root of greed?
6. Why is Abram willing to give Lot the first choice, to take the short end of the stick?
7. How does Abram’s belief in a God of abundance free him to be generous?
8. What did Jesus willingly give up?
9. Our pastor mentions 3 joys that were set before Jesus; that his sacrificial death atones for all the sins of the world, that through his sacrificial death God is reconciling all things to himself and that people from every people group, every skin colour and every nation will be waving palm branches of victory. What do these 3 joys reveal about God?
10. Do you believe in a God of abundance?