Small Group Questions - November 29th

The Calling of the First Disciples

Bible Text:  Matthew 4:18-22


Open It

1.   If you could pass on some skill or knowledge to an apprentice, what would you want to pass on?

2.   *** What kind of leader do you prefer to follow?

3.   What are some examples of well-functioning teams?

Explore It

1.   Who did Jesus see as He walked by? (4:18)

2.   *** What did Jesus do when He saw the two brothers, James and John? (4:21)

3.   How did James and John react to Jesus’ challenge? (4:22)

Get It

1.   What does it mean to be a "fisher of men"?

2.   How risky was it for Peter, Andrew, James, and John to drop everything (jobs and families) to go with Jesus?

3.   What thoughts do you think were racing through their minds as they headed off down the beach with Jesus?

4.   How do you think you might have responded had you been fishing with these men and heard Jesus direct this challenge to you?

5.   What do you think Jesus saw in these men?

6.   *** Why did Jesus handpick blue-collar fishermen to be the leaders of the Christian church?

7.   What possessions, goals, dreams, or relationships are keeping you from following Jesus wholeheartedly today?

Apply It

1.   *** Pastor Mike said “Its Jesus mission not ours. He is not asking us to take over for Him he simply asks us to follow Him” What do you find comforting in that statement? What do you find challenging? Why?

2.   Pastor Mike said “God not expecting us to reach as many as 20,15 or 10 people. He is only asking you to reach 2. People that are already in your life.” Who do you know that you could pray for? What steps can you take this Christmas to get to know them better.

3.   What do you think Mountainview needs to become more relationally mission focused in our communities? Why?

Karin Terpstra