Small Group Questions - October 25th, 2020

Our Unshakable God - Psalm 46

1.   Open It

a)   What comes to mind when you think of a fortress?
b)   *What makes you feel safe and secure?

2.   Explore It

a)   What words of hope introduce the poem? (46:1)
b)   *What imagery did the psalm writer use to describe the threats God’s people face? (46:1-3)
c)   What does this psalm celebrate? (46:1-11)
d)   *What benefits do God’s people enjoy? (46:8-10)
e)   *What specific instruction does the Lord give to His people? (46:10)
f)     What will be the result of God’s mighty acts on behalf of His people? (46:10)

3.   Get It

a)   How are the promises in this psalm meaningful to you?
b)   What kinds of threats do believers face today?
c)   *How has God been like a fortress to you?
d)   What does this psalm teach us about God’s power over the nations and governments of the earth?
e)   *What does it mean to "Be still, and know that I am God"?
f)     How can we practice being still before the Lord?
g)   How do you feel the Lord’s presence in your life?
h)   How can we thank the Lord for His presence in our lives?

4.   Apply It
a)   During this season of Covid19 what steps can you take to be reminded that God is with us?
b)   How does this Psalm help you as you minister to other people?

Karin Terpstra