Small Group Questions - May 2nd, 2021


Check in about what you are working on and how you are doing.

If you are sharing storyboards, do that now.

Message: “Hearing God Call”
Scripture Passage: 1 Samuel 3


1. Do you have a regular time of quiet/listening? Have you done a longer listening experience (e.g. silent retreat)?

2. What experience of God speaking to you can you share? How did that happen?

3. Are you in a time of light where God is giving you his word or truth? Or a time of dark and quiet? Or somewhere in between?

4. How would you connect listening prayer and spoken prayer?


Spend some time listening to God.

a. take the time to allow your mind to quiet down

b. pay attention to whatever flows into your mind (when it is not longer things on your agenda you are likely "centred"

c. note and wonder about what word or song or thought or feeling or image comes to mind.

d. share with others and see if there are themes or connections

e. discern any follow up based on what you heard.

f. Thank God and surrender yourself to his ongoing leading.

Peter Van Geest