May 12, 2019
Mother’s Day and Installation of Office Bearers
“Christ-Centered Offices”
1 Timothy 2:1-7; 3:1-10
Message Notes:
1. Anointing with oil is a devotional practice to sanctify, to make holy, to set apart.
2. There are three traditional offices recognized in the Christian Reformed Church:
a) Preachers and Pastors: 1 Timothy 2:1-7; 2 Timothy 1:6-8
b) Elders and Overseers: 1 Timothy 3:1-7
c) Deacons: 1 Timothy 3:8-10
3. There were three groups of people who were anointed in the Old Testament:
a) Priests and High Priests; Leviticus 8:10-13
b) Kings: I Samuel 16:12, 13.
c) Prophets; Matthew 17:1-5
4. Jesus is the Messiah (Hebrew), the anointed one, the Christ (Greek)
As the only High Priest of the New Covenant
As this world’s lamb who was a lion, King of Kings
As this world’s chief prophet revealing God’s secret counsel
5. But why are you called a Christian?
Because by faith I am a member of Christ and so I share in his anointing.
I am anointed to confess his name,
to present myself to him as a living sacrifice of thanks,
to strive with a good conscience against sin and the devil
in this life, and afterward to reign with Christ over all creation for all eternity.