January 20, 2019

Sermon Outline


“Someone Greater Than Moses Has Come”

Mark 1:14-28 NIV


                Who or what ideology do you follow?

1.       Jesus proclaims an exodus.

a.       Fishermen fishing the waters of the Sea of Galilee were oppressed.

b.       The time has come. The Kingdom of God is near.

i.         The Kingdom of God breaking into the world is a new way of living.

2.       Jesus is leading the exodus.

a.       Jesus is the promised person (Deut. 15) who is greater than Moses.

b.       Jesus has compassion for and loves people.

i.         This is what gives his teaching authority.

c.       Rather than being reluctant, Jesus is willing to die to redeem people and show them a new way to live.

3.       A follower of Jesus…

a.       Steps out of bondage,

b.       Spends time with God,

c.       Applies God’s ways to his/her life,

d.       And has compassion for and loves their neighbours.


                Someone greater than Moses is here.

January 20th, 2019



Someone Greater Than Moses Has Come”

Mark 1:14-28 NIV 

1.       Who or what ideology have you followed at different times of your life?

2.       Fishermen in Galilee were oppressed. Name some groups today who are oppressed.

3.       In the context of this passage, what does it mean to repent?

4.       Jesus proclaims and brings in the Kingdom of God. What happens when the Kingdom of God breaks in?

5.       Read Exodus 3.1-4.13. What do you notice about Moses? What do you notice about God?

6.       What made Jesus greater than Moses?

7.       The people who heard Jesus were amazed at this authority. What gave him this authority?

8.       What does it mean for you/me to step out of bondage?

9.       What does it mean to apply God’s ways to our lives?

10.   What does it mean to have compassion for and to love our neighbours?

11.   When Jesus returns, in the context of this passage, what happens?

Karin Terpstra