Small Group Questions - November 15th

Together on a Journey

“Bridging the Culture Gap”

Text:  Luke 6:32-36 and Matt 11:19

1.       How did you see God at work in your life this week?

2.       What have you noticed about the culture shift away from people attending church? Why do you think that has happened?

3.       Jesus secret weapon for bridging the culture gap was to hang around people. By doing so he was fulfilling his redemptive purpose. He was looking to invite people into the journey of faith. How easy or hard is it for you to invite people to explore Christianity? How would you start? What holds you back? How can this group help you?

4.       Do you know the names, occupations and little bit about the neighbours you live beside? If so how would you build on that and if you don’t know your neighbours how would you start?

5.       What could Mountainview do as a church to help its members be more intentional about connecting with its neighbours?

6.       The mandate of the church should not be to grow its membership but to grow the kingdom. True or False? Why?

Karin Terpstra