September 24, 2023 - Prayer As Imagining What Love Can Do

Scripture Passage:  Ephesians 3:14-21

After gathering, connecting, enjoying refreshments and checking-in or catching up, discuss the following questions.

1)    How interested or excited are you about a series on prayer?

2)    Share about a good experience of prayer in your life?

3)    Share about a dry time or a negative experience with prayer, if you will.

4)    Verse 16 mentions power.  What is the power that is being prayed about here?

5)    What was the image used in the sermon for power?  How did that help you understand the power of prayer?

6)    Verse 18, why would we need power in order to understand love?  Isn’t it pretty easy to understand?

7)    How would you describe what it might mean to be “filled to all the measure of the fullness of God”? (verse 19)

8)    What can you imagine that God might want to do? (verse 20)

9)    How does the discussion of this prayer in Ephesians shape how you might pray?

 Spend time as a group in prayer.  Discuss how best you can do that to allow everyone to participate and to allow everyone to grow through the experience.

Karin Terpstra