Scripture Passages: Genesis 50:15-21; Genesis 37-46
1. If you haven’t read through the Joseph stories lately, at least page through these chapters and see if it all sounds familiar.
2. How does Genesis 38 fit into the Joseph narrative?
3. Assuming you heard the sermon, how did you like the Jesus Storybook Bible version? What did you notice about that?
4. Were you a Joseph or one of the older brothers in your childhood? Or a bit of both?
5. What would your advice have been to Joseph as a boy?
6. If you are a parent, do you have a favorite child? Did your parents have a favourite child, in your opinion?
7. What do you do with dreams? What does this story teach you about dreams?
8. How would you evaluate Joseph’s conduct after he is sold and lands in Egypt?
9. How many ways can you name that Joseph’s story anticipates the events in Jesus’ life?
10. Would you have been able to forgive the brothers? Is there someone you need to forgive?
Spend time praying for each other.