Why have a Safe Church Team?
Safe Church Ministry equips our members in abuse awareness, prevention, and response.
We believe that God loves and cares for all people and that He calls us to do the same. We desire to build a community where every human is recognized as made in the image of God. That each person is worthy of respect and must be treated with dignity; where people are free to worship and grow; free from abuse. We recognize that we are responsible for the protection of vulnerable persons in our care. We strive to be a community that when abuse occurres /or has occurred, our response is one of compassion and justice; a response that fosters healing.
When something has happened that makes you uncomfortable, we encourage you to tell someone that you can trust.
The members of Mountainview’s Safe Church Team are also available for you. They are…
Diana Farrow (416) 910-1201 djfarrow926@gmail.com
Kristy MacDougall (289) 885-4002 kristym@mountainviewcrc.org
Alice Posthumus (905) 516-4211 aposthumus@mountainviewcrc.org
Lisa Talsma (905) 309-6969 tltalsma@cogeco.ca
Jeff Zondag (289) 237-1523 jnzondag@gmail.com
The Guiding Principles of our Safe Church Policy are…
All people are image bearers of God, worthy of respect, and therefore must be treated in a manner that respects dignity and does not demean them in their own eyes or in the eyes of others. Human sexuality is also a gift of God to be respected, valued, and celebrated.
Abuse of any person is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. We will strive to foster the development of healthy relationships and prevent abuse in our ministries. To the best of our ability, we will avoid situations that may give rise to abuse, unfounded allegations of abuse, or the appearance of impropriety.
All leaders at Mountainview CRC are urged to be vigilant against abuse and will be held accountable for their words and actions. Those leaders who violate the standards of conduct expected of them (as outlined in Code of Conduct) will be subject to disciplinary measures by the Mountainview CRC Council.
While parents have the primary responsibility for the care and nurture of their children, Mountainview CRC and the larger community also share in the responsibility to protect and promote the well-being of all children.
By the grace of God, healing is possible for victims of abuse. Healing is assisted through the ministry of the church and wise professional counselling, which should be offered as early as possible. Financial assistance when needed is provided by the Mountainview Diaconate. Confidentiality is respected.
By the grace of God, forgiveness and restoration to church fellowship is possible for repentant offenders and can be assisted through the ministry of the church and wise counselling. In some cases, however, appropriate long-term restrictions may be necessary.
Authority vested in the leadership of Mountainview CRC, both ordained and non-ordained, must be exercised with the highest of ethical standards. Leaders have a special responsibility to take preventive and corrective measures.
When reports of suspected abuse occur, appropriate investigative and corrective actions will begin without delay. All actions will support healing, repentance, and restoration of the abused and the abuser. For abusers, these actions may include disciplinary measures, up to and including denial of volunteer or paid positions and other privileges of church membership. After satisfactory resolution, suitability for return to a volunteer or paid position will be reviewed. Should an abuser leave the congregation prior to an adequate resolution of the issues involved, Mountainview CRC will advise a receiving church of the outstanding issues, while maintaining appropriate discretion and confidentiality.
Abuse is also a crime punishable under federal and provincial laws in Canada. The Bible teaches respect for the mandate of civil authorities to maintain justice; we pledge to co-operate with them in the implementation of laws prohibiting abuse. All allegations of abuse of a minor will be reported without delay to Family & Children’s Services (FACS) Niagara (Children's Aid) and/or police, as required by provincial law. As a church, however, we will not leave the matter of abuse and its impacts to the law courts and social services alone, because abuse and healing also have a spiritual dimension. The church has its own calling, as Christ's ambassadors, to offer protection for children, warn against the abuse of authority, and provide a healing ministry for those whose lives have been affected by the sin of abuse.