June 2, 2024 - Liturgy

Morning Worship Service Order
June 2, 2024

Pastor Jolene Veenstra

Gathering Song ~ “See How Good It Is (Psalm 133)”


 Welcome & Opening Prayer

God’s Greeting

Invitation to Worship

Opening Song Prayer-Prayer for the Spirit ~ “Spirit Move”

Song of Praise ~ “1,000 Tongues”

Prayer of Confession

Words of Forgiveness

Song of Response ~ “By Our Love”

Offering Prayer for Benevolence

Children Leave for Kids@Mountainview


Prayers of God’s People

Scripture Passage: Acts 2:42-47 & 1 Corinthians 11:17-22

Message: “Discerning the Spirit of Unity”

Prayer of Application

Prayer-Song of Response ~ “Spirit of the Living God”

God’s Blessing

Closing Song ~ “Salvation Belongs to Our God”


Karin Terpstra