May 5, 2024 - Liturgy


Morning Worship Service Order
Installation of Office-Bearers -
May 5, 2024

Pastor Erick Schuringa

Pre- Service Song ~ “Rejoice”

 Welcome & Opening Prayer

God’s Greeting

Invitation to Worship

Opening Song of Praise ~ “Only A Holy God”

 ~ “You Are My Vision”

Prayer of Confession

Song of Response ~ “Let Us Be Known By Our Love”

Offering Prayer

Children Leave for Kids@Mountainview

Prayers of God’s People

Scripture Passage: Isaiah 42:1-9

Message: “About That Call”

Prayer of Application

Song of Response ~ “Holy Spirit (Living Breath of God)”

Installation of New Office Bearers

Song of Response ~ “Take O Take Me As I Am”

God’s Blessing

Closing Song ~ “Father Let Your Kingdom Come”


Karin Terpstra