April 28, 2024 - Liturgy

Morning Worship Service Order - Communion

April 28, 2024

Pastor Erick Schuringa

Gathering Song ~ “Promises”


Welcome & Opening Prayer

God’s Greeting

Invitation to Worship

Opening Hymn ~ “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”

Song of Trust ~ “Forever”

Prayer of Confession

Song of Hope and Identity ~ “No Longer Slaves”

Offering Announcement and Prayer

Children Leave for Kids@Mountainview

Prayers of God’s People

Scripture Passage: Isaiah 44:1-5

Message: “Womb Theology”

Prayer of Application

Song of Response ~ “He Knows My Name”


Song During Communion ~ “Nothing to Fear”

God’s Blessing

Closing Hymn ~ “O Come, My Soul, Sing Praise to God”

Postlude Song ~ “Promises”

Karin Terpstra