December 4th, 2022 - 2nd Sunday of Advent - Order of Service


Morning Worship Service Order
December 4, 2022
Second Sunday of Advent

Born for You and Me
An Intergenerational Christmas Play
Script by Laura & Robert Keeley

 Welcome & Opening Prayer

God’s Greeting

Invitation to Worship

Hymn of Advent Longing: “Come Thou Long-expected Jesus”

Song of Preparation: Make Room in Your Heart”


 Scene 1: Saving Soles - 30 A.D.

Bible Reading: Luke 2:4-7

Song “Away in a Manger”

Scene 2: Breakfast with Shepherds – 0 A.D.

Song “Oh Shepherds Wake Up”

 Scene 3: A Lunch Celebration - 0 A.D.

Bible Reading: Luke 2:25-28 and 36-38

Scene 4: Dinner With Wise Men - “Sometime after A.D. 0”

Solo “What Can I Give Him?”

 Scene 5: Born for You and Me - - 30 AD

Song of Response (congregation): “Joy to the World”

Brief Message & Words of Thanks

Prayers of the People

*God’s Blessing

*Closing Song: “Soon and Very Soon”


Plot Summary:

Saving Soles: Alyssa, the proprietor of a sandal store is talking to some customers in the year 30 A.D.  They have heard of a new rabbi named Jesus who is preaching in the area.  They think back to 30 years ago when Alyssa owned an inn and they first heard of Jesus.
They Remember: 

Breakfast with Shepherds:  Shepherds who came for breakfast after seeing angels

Lunch with Anna & Simeon:  Anna and Simeon’s response to the presentation of the child Jesus at the temple.

 Dinner with Wisemen:  The Wise people who visited the inn after seeing the King.

Born for You and Me:  In the final scene they remember that Mary, Joseph and Jesus were ordinary people, just like you and me and yet, remarkable things happened when Jesus was born.  God used a lot of regular people in Jesus’ life when he was born and God continues to use regular people, like you and me, today.

Peter Van Geest