Every journey starts with a step, a first step, and the same is true in our faith life. You might be asking questions like… Who is Jesus? Who is God? What does that mean for me?
As a church community we have some friends who are willing to walk that journey of self-discovery with you. Just email Pastor Erick at ericks@mountainviewcrc.org and he’ll connect you with one of these friends via email, zoom or phone, who would be happy to walk along side you as you take that next step.
For all of us the next step looks different; none of us have everything figured out.
We are all struggling with something, whether it is giving or receiving forgiveness. It could be the loss of a loved one or a lost relationship.
Many have lost relationships even in our own church family, whether it's a strained relationship with parents, or children, we are all looking for healing. Some struggle with marriage or raising children, others struggle with balancing work and family life. There are many more examples, but the point is: none of us have everything figured out, we are broken together.
For each of us the next step looks different, maybe you are just starting your faith journey, in that case, Alpha is a great place to start.
Or maybe you need to share your story: you are a single parent, or empty nesters or you just want to dig deeper into the Bible a little more. Small groups is a great option no matter where you are in your story.
Maybe for you it is time to turn your faith into action, by joining a service group or an outreach program to help others.
If you have never been baptized maybe you're looking to give your life to Christ.
Or you are baptized and you want to make profession of faith and become a full partner in Christ here at Mountainview. This doesn't mean you have everything figured out, but you are committed to the journey.