March 20th, 2022 News
We are delighted that registration and attendance limits are no longer required. However, we still require diligence with self-screening, masking and sanitizing. As always, the decision to watch online or attend in person is up to you. Registration to attend in person is required. You can do so on our website.
Join us at 10 am Sunday morning via live-stream or in-person, or at any time throughout the week. Pastor Peter continues our lent series “Creating Space for God”. This week’s message “Service and Humility” will be looking at various passages in the books of Matthew 25:31-46, John 13:1-17, Isaiah 58:6-12.
Doing something nice for someone else is always a good decision, but the discipline of service is actually an important way to create space for God. In Matthew 25 we read that in serving others we are actually meeting with Jesus. This discipline of service may also mean allowing ourselves to be served by others as well.
Visit our Job Postings tab on our website for more details.
Lenten Worship: Creation Photos - On Sunday, April 10 (Palm Sunday) the spiritual practice/discipline we will be engaging with is "creation”. I would love it if over the next month, as you walk outside, as you take time for silence, as you contemplate creation and Creator, you would take photos and send them to me for inclusion in the April 10 service. The practice of "wonder" is deeply connected here, as we wonder at God's creativity, beauty, and goodness in all that we see around us. Start now, as we begin to see early signs of spring. May God be present with you as you ponder the beauty of creation. Thank you, Ruth Ann
New resource from Faith Formation Ministries! - Faith Practices is an entry-level introduction to some of the practical “spiritual disciplines” that Christians throughout the centuries have used to draw closer to God. This booklet is a great starting place for individuals or small groups who would like to become more aware of and sensitive to God’s voice in their everyday lives. Included are resources (such as lectio divina passages, journaling prompts, and creative action ideas) for exploring twelve faith practices. Visit to learn more!
The Youth at Mountainview are excited
to serve you their Annual Fundraiser Dinner
and this year you can even Dine In!
Mark your calendar: March 26th!
Space is limited and will fill up fast.
To reserve a spot for you, your tagalongs, or a full table of 8
email Brandon Vermeer or follow the link below.
We will also be offering takeout meals for everyone!
Grab a meal for yourself or the whole family!
Order your meals and book a pickup time online.
Registration for Kids@Mountainview Summer Camp “Making Waves”
opens on March 12th!!!
Click on picture for details.
Kids@Mountainview Summer Camp 2022 is now hiring coordinators, counsellors, and support staff for our summer season. Our Vision: Fun, Loving, Engaging and Transforming. Want to help us Make Waves and help to change the world around us? Submit your resume and cover letter, by March 31st, to More details and job descriptions on our website at
WITNESS Preview Event: Wednesday, April 6 from 7 – 9:30 p.m. at Mountainview CRC. Being a witness for Christ isn't always easy. It can be intimidating, nerve-wracking, and even frustrating when we don't see the changes we're looking or hoping for. Sometimes, we just don't know what to say or do. Learn about the newly launched small group experience, Witness, from Resonate Global Mission, developed by Amy Schenkel. Witness: Equipped to Share the Good News is a self-guided course designed to equip you for sharing Christ's love with your neighbours. On April 6, Pastor Willemina Zwart, our Resonate Local Missional Leader, will introduce you to the small group materials as well as facilitate one of the sessions for you to experience firsthand! Witness includes videos, a small group discussion guide, and a personal journal that will help you reflect on what it means to be a witness for Christ and then to take practical steps to join God at work in your neighbourhood. RSVP by April 3 at For more information, email Witness Promo video
Bridge Bowling for Breakfast - A Bowling Fundraising Family/Friends Fun Event.
When: Saturday, April 23; Where: Cataract Bowl, 7906 Lundy’s Lane, Niagara Falls; 2:30 pm Registration, 3:00 pm Bowl**Bowlers must be on time.
What’s included: 1 ½ hrs of bowling time (2 games per team), shoes, food and drinks. Each Team must raise a minimum of $500 (4-6 people per team). Benefiting: The Free Breakfast Program at Third Space Café for the Homeless. Register or sponsor a team: Grand Prizes for 2 teams that raise the most funds!
The March Deacons Corner is now posted on our website…Please note: Gail Gorfe is coming to town from March 8-11 and is looking to connect with as many people as she can over those dates! Contact Jen De Jonge for more information.
UPCOMING OFFERING: March 27th A.M. – Redeemer University is a Christian undergraduate university offering programs leading to Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education degrees. From its Hamilton, Ontario campus, Redeemer has prepared graduating classes — the next generation of Christian leaders — for more than 30 years. Redeemer students are being shaped by the Reformed Christian commitment to see faith woven through all aspects of learning and life. Across the world, from the classroom to the convocation stage to careers and churches, our faculty, students and alumni are making an impact.
The Annual Banner Appeal is underway! - The 2022 appeal for The Banner, the CRC’s award-winning monthly magazine, has started. The Banner is delivered free in print and online, and this annual donation appeal makes it possible. To help keep this community conversation going please give online now at:
Links are available on our website under “About Us”
Paper copies can be requested from the church office.
At-home Faith Practices Reflection Tip - Reflection and Discussion Starter—the Practice of Listening: Read James 1:19 and ponder or discuss the following questions. Being “quick to listen” is an enormous challenge in Western culture, where we often value speaking over listening. Do you know someone who is an intentionally deep listener? How does interacting with that person make you feel? (For more on faith practices from Faith Formation Ministries visit
Groundwork: The Shame of the Cross - As we seek to comprehend the fullness of Jesus’ sacrifice, we need to revisit the shame of the cross. Join Groundwork as we study Isaiah 53:1-3, Philippians 2:5-8, Genesis 2:25, Genesis 3:7-10, Hebrews 12:1-3, and 1 Peter 2:4-6 to examine the relationship between sin and shame and unpack why Jesus’ experience of shame was necessary for our salvation. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.
Seeing God's Story Everywhere - Check out the new kids’ devotion at What can you do to help yourself see Bible verses every day? Could you paint pictures about what you’ve read? The more ways you can look at Bible verses the easier it will be for you to have God’s Word “on your hearts” (Deuteronomy 6:6). Listen now at and check out all the new content.
Come and Be Inspired - We can all use some inspiration and togetherness. Register now to get the early bird rate; bring a group of more than 5 from the same church and get a further $15 off! Full refunds are available until June 30; after that, you can transfer the registration within your church. Learn more and sign up at
March 2022 Safe Church Webinar: Assessing Risk - The Safe Church theme for this year is Safe Church Basics: Five Steps to a Safer Church. Join us March 23rd at 12pm Eastern for our first webinar: Assessing Risk. This webinar will feature a panel discussing abuse scenarios that have impacted Christian Reformed Church communities throughout North America. We will hear from a panel who will engage with these scenarios and then introduce a new tool from Safe Church called the Safe Church Assessment which is designed to assess risk and help determine how your church can do better in preventing abuse. register here:
Striving for the 10 Percent - Looking for guidance after these past two years of uncertainty? We are inviting ALL ministry leaders in Classis Niagara to "Striving for the 10 Percent". This facilitated workshop from Diaconal Ministries Canada and Classis Niagara will focus on our unique church cultures as we dive into the values of justice & mercy, leadership development, community engagement, and living stewardly. Helen Van Beilen & Alicia Hamming Navarette, Diaconal Coaches for Classis Niagara, will encourage and equip your team to discern 'next steps' - discussing the question, "In what ways can we be 10% better in joining and partnering with God in His mission?" Join us on Wed. March 30th from 7:30-9:30pm at Bethany CRC. Please register BEFORE MARCH 28th: or 905-931-1975. It’s highly recommended that you come with your entire ministry team, and pastors are welcome too!
21Five is your local Christian bookstore. We carry a wide variety of books in many areas: Christian Living, Ministry, Religion and Theology, Bible Studies and more. We also have a large variety of Bibles, Christian cards, gifts and more. As part of the community, we love to work closely with our local Christian schools and churches to provide opportunities to place special orders as well. Please reach out to us at today. We would love to serve you.
Friday Campus Visits - Geared toward students interested in Redeemer's undergraduate programs, Friday Campus Visits are a great introduction to the university's one-of-a-kind community:
Scriptoria: An Interfaith Writing Workshop - Morning workshops. Afternoon instruction. One-on-ones with editors. Deep faith conversations. Think boot camp for your writing—whether it’s fiction, nonfiction, or poetry—on June 20-24, 2022, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Scriptoria: An Interfaith Writing Workshop with Gary Schmidt, Hugh Cook, Patrice Gopo, L.S. Klatt, Robert Hudson, Nikki Grimes, Vinita Hampton Wright, and more. Visit
Job Opportunity - Research Consultant - Over the past months, Diaconal Ministries Canada, along with World Renew Canada, have leaned into the understanding that doing natural disaster and crisis response work in Canada is quite different from doing this work in the US and in other parts of the world. As disasters continue to present themselves in our nation, Diaconal Ministries is looking to hire a Disaster/Crisis Response Research Consultant who will research and write a “best practices report” and present this report to our team and World Renew Disaster Response Services (DRS). This will help our agencies decide on how best to move forward with this vital work here in Canada. This position is a Short-Term Contract Position (10 weeks @ 20 hours/week). Start Date: TBD. For the full job description, visit our website: Please direct any questions or inquiries to Ron Vanden Brink, National Director for Diaconal Ministries:
Summer Worship Intern - Covenant CRC in St Catharines, ON is seeking an intern for a one-of-a-kind opportunity to work with our Pastor of Worship in planning and leading worship at Sunday services, and to spend 10 of those weeks taking the lead alongside a great leadership team while our Worship Pastor is on sabbatical. Please see our website ( for the role description, and submit your application to Position pending funding approval and open specifically to someone under 30 who is eligible to work in Canada. Questions? Please contact Applications being accepted till March 25, 2022
The Table Downtown Thorold is currently seeking to hire a Children’s Ministry Coordinator. We are looking for an individual with experience with children to assist our missional community with our growing kid's ministry. This position is offering competitive wages for up to 15 hours a week. Please send job description requests, questions and/or resumes to Pastor Terence Schilstra at
We Are Hiring at Shalom! Working at Shalom is a great opportunity to share your gifts and talents in a wonderful workplace and to become involved in the Shalom community! We take pride in offering the best possible care and making Shalom home to our residents. Below are ways you can become part of this excellent team:
1. Therapeutic Programmers – casual positions available
2. RPNs Manor – full-time, part-time and casual positions are available and include mixed day and evening lines and a night line.
3. PSWs Manor – full time, part-time lines and casual positions available. Lots of opportunity to work!
4. Nursing Students can work as PSWs following your first year of nursing studies! Consider spending your summer as a PSW at Shalom Manor!
For more information about these positions or to submit your resume, please contact Lauren at