February 20th, 2022 News


We are delighted that Ministries HAVE RE-STARTED, and indoor meeting spaces are OPEN!! Our worship space capacity remains the same at 30% with adequate physical distancing and mask wearing requirements. Stay tuned as restrictions continue to lift heading into March. The decision to watch online or attend in person is up to you. Registration to attend in person is required. You can do so on our website.

This Sunday Pastor Erick concludes the ‘Beautiful Messy Relationships’ series. This week’s message entitled “As the Spirit Leads” will be looking at Acts 8:26-40.

The Holy Spirit send Philip to meet, teach and baptize an Ethiopian Eunuch.  There is plenty in this story that raises questions as we end this series thinking about how we might be guided into relationship with anyone to whom the Spirit sends us.

Visit our Job Postings tab on our website for more details.



Annual Interclassis March Online Training Event - Join the Classis Huron Safe Church team and participants from across Canada on March 5, 2022 for our VIRTUAL 2-PART EVENT…

1.    The first event is a virtual tour of the former Mohawk Institute Indian Residential School, presented by the Woodland Cultural Centre (Brantford ON).

2.    The second is a presentation by Priya Andrade, the interim Canadian Justice and Reconciliation Mobilizer for Indigenous Ministry in the CRCNA. Priya will focus on CRC engagement in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls to action in Canada by repenting and lamenting its role in the cultural violence committed towards Indigenous Peoples.

Registration is required: https://www.wmott.ca/scc/workshops_online.php

The Ice Rink is still up and running. We have had some snow/weather challenges, but overall some beautiful skating! You are always welcome to help out or come and skate. Come connect with our neighbours. Go to www.mountainviewcrc.org/ice-rink or contact Pastor Erick for more details...

Register to skate HERE!

Last week to sign up for or support “The Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY)!” - CNOY is a super-fun, family-friendly fundraising walk that supports local charity partners who provide essential care and service for people experiencing homelessness, hurt, and hunger. This year is again a virtual walk.  Sign up with your family or friends for the “Mountainview Rovers” Team!! Or sponsor us at https://cnoy.org/home




UPCOMING OFFERING: Feb. 27th A.M. – Smithville Christian High School is providing an authentically Christian education to teens from all over central Niagara.Smithville Christian High graduates are serving God and bringing shalom all over the world. Your gift will be used to keep tuition in check so that many families can have access to the exciting programs that enable our students to thrive. Thank-you for your part in keeping Christian education affordable at all levels.

Tax Receipts for 2021 have been placed in your mail slot at church (for those who requested that option) or have been mailed (Canada Post). If you haven't received one or it is inaccurate, please let me know as soon as possible. I thank you all for your continued support of our Ministries here at Mountainview. Will Klein, Financial Administrator


Links are available on our website under “About Us”
Paper copies can be requested from the church office.


Focus on the Cross - Lent is a season to focus on the hope of Jesus Christ. Receive a free Today devotional email series to help you refresh, refocus, and renew your faith during Lent. Or download the ebook! Subscribe at todaydevotional.com/lent.

At-home Faith Practice Reflection Tip - Reflection and Discussion Starter—the Practice of Justice and Mercy: Read Isaiah 58:9-10 and ponder or discuss the following questions. A yoke is a type of harness used with a team of animals, typically oxen. Usually made of wood and iron, it’s heavy and rigid, and it restricts the animals’ freedom to move. In the Bible the word “yoke” is used to describe being bound to something or someone, for better or for worse. With this in mind, how would you describe “the yoke of oppression”? How might your church, or another group of which you’re a part, begin to meet the needs of the oppressed and “do away with the yoke of oppression”? What practical steps might you take? (For more on faith practices from Faith Formation Ministries visit bit.ly/FaithPracticesProject)

Free Learning Webinar Event - February 22 - You’re invited to a virtual learning event hosted by the CRCs Office of Race Relations on February 22 at 12:00pm (EST). The topic is “Black & Reformed: Generational Journeys in the CRC.” In this panel discussion, we want to amplify and celebrate the voices of African American Pastors and leaders in the CRC. Get more information at crcna.org/Race/Events

Online Bible Study - Building God's Church Together - “Building God’s Church Together” is an online Bible study that explores God's vision for men and women serving the church together. It involves 7 self-guided sessions and 5 scheduled virtual discussion groups every Wednesday during Lent (March 9-April 6) to cultivate deeper understanding. This series will be hosted by Rev. Elaine May and Rev. Liz Testa. Register now: tinyurl.com/BGCTstudy

Lent Challenge - Join the Climate Witness Project for a Lent Challenge! Each week focus on one area of action along with a reflection. We want to live out our faith by investing in the flourishing of God’s creation - join us on the journey! crcna.org/climate-witness-project/energy-stewardship/lent-creation-challenge

Groundwork: A Wise Perspective on Work - Much of our adult life revolves around work: work for our jobs, work on our houses and for our families, and work for the Lord. Join Groundwork as we study Ecclesiastes 4:4-8, 5:10-15, 9:7-10 to listen to the Teacher’s wisdom on what makes our work meaningful. Listen now at GroundworkOnline.com and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

Be Quick to Listen - Check out the new kids’ devotion at https://kidscorner.net/. Listening is a skill and it takes practice to become a good listener. What makes someone a good listener? Listen now at kidscorner.net and check out all the new content.

Eco-Anxiety and Biblical Wisdom: Torn Between Grief and Hope a six-week Lent Zoom Course by Sylvia Keesmaat, beginning March 6. Join us as we delve deeply into bliblical stories of collapse and hope in the Bible, with our ears open for lament, and our hearts open to new life. Go to www.bibleremixed.ca for more information.


We Are Hiring at Shalom!  Working at Shalom is a great opportunity to share your gifts and talents in a wonderful workplace and to become involved in the Shalom community!  We take pride in offering the best possible care and making Shalom home to our residents.  Below are ways you can become part of this excellent team:

1. Therapeutic Programmers – casual positions available
2. RPNs Manor – full-time, part-time and casual positions are available and include mixed day and evening lines and a night line. 
3. PSWs Manor – full time, part-time lines and casual positions available.  Lots of opportunity to work!
4. Nursing Students can work as PSWs following your first year of nursing studies!  Consider spending your summer as a PSW at Shalom Manor!

For more information about these positions or to submit your resume, please contact Lauren at hr@shalommanor.ca.

The Lighthouse Christian Social Services (The Lighthouse) is searching for a Community Support Worker. The Community Support Worker will assist and empower Lighthouse clients as they navigate multiple stresses that affect overall well-being. Please email your cover letter and resume by February 25th, 2022 to info@lighthousecentre.ca. Learn more about the position at https://lighthousecentre.ca/. Any questions call 416-535-6262.

Karin Terpstra