January 9th, 2022 News


This weekend Pastor Peter will present a message entitled “Residual Relationships 2.0.” He will be looking at the book of Philippians 2:1-11. As we continue with the series "Beautiful Messy Relationships", we go back for a second look at our most basic relationship- the one we have with God in Christ Jesus. How we relate to God has a residual effect on every other relationship in our lives, so we need to get a clear picture of this one before we look at others.

Mid-Week Worship - FaceBook Live - I know some of us are struggling with anxiety, isolation, and frustration due to Covid as we transition into a new year.  I would love to offer a Mid-Week Worship - FaceBook Live this Wednesday where we can meet and share some time together. If you are available, please join me on January 12th @ 10 AM on Mountainview's FaceBook page.  We will sing, share, and pray together for about a half hour.    You are all welcome. Ruth Ann



Work continues by our Friendly Neighbourhood Rink Builders to get the 2022 Ice Rink up and running! Sign-up now to help out and connect with our neighbours. Go to www.mountainviewcrc.org or contact Pastor Erick for more details...

- The Coldest Night of the Year is a super-fun, family-friendly fundraising walk that supports local charity partners who provide essential care and service for people experiencing homelessness, hurt, and hunger. You’re Invited to walk on the Coldest Night of the Year! Come join the “Mountainview Rovers” Team!! Or sponsor us at https://cnoy.org/home



Update From Small Groups: We will be facing the new year head on with a new church wide experience called Challenging Conversations, inviting people into an opportunity to listen to fellow members of the congregation as they share their opinions on certain challenging topics. Unlike other mini-series, small groups will not be able to join in their existing groups. We are asking you to temporarily suspend your small group in order to participate in Challenging Conversations. Even though, due to the recent provincial Covid restrictions, the start date is yet to be determined, Registration for Challenging Conversations is open now.   




THIS WEEK : Benevolence


UPCOMING OFFERING: Jan. 16th  – Back to God Ministries International is the media ministry of the CRCNA. It proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ through indigenous teams in people’s “heart languages” using the web, radio, television, phone, print, and other media. It opens doors for salvation and discipleship, broadcasting the gospel in otherwise closed regions.  BTGMI aired its first radio program in 1939. Today, we are reaching people in almost 200 countries and 10 major languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

Church Envelopes have been placed in your mail slots at church. In order to cut costs, I would appreciate it if you would let me know if you do not need them because your givings are with the Bridge App or using e-transfer. For those of you who are using the Bridge App "recurring Donations" or PAR, I have not issued the Blue budget envelopes. I have issued the white ones to most of you. The envelopes for 2023 need to be ordered by January or February so I would like to minimize the number that we order. If you have envelopes and won't be using them, please return them to me or leave in the office for me. (email:treasurer@mountainviewcrc.org



Links are available on our website under “About Us”
are all new this week.
Paper copies can be requested from the church office.


WORLD RENEW: Disaster Response for BC Flooding - On Nov. 14-15, vast areas of the lower Fraser River flooded; the rebuild will likely be measured in years. The Gateway CRC sprang into action right away to support flood victims, and also helped to form the Abbotsford Disaster Response Coalition. This group is partnering with World Renew's Disaster Response Services to make a long-term impact on flood-ravaged lives. Donations can be made to the work of this coalition through World Renew (send a cheque with Abbotsford Disaster Response Coalition in the memo line).

Launch of Thriving Essentials - Thriving Essentials is a new course for elders, deacons, church staff, and any volunteer ministry leader. These four, one-hour sessions are offered on Zoom and cover key ideas about mission, discipleship, discernment, and leadership. New groups start every month. Learn more and register now at crcna.org/Thrive

Groundwork: Life and Reconciliation in Christ - Injustice and sin are rampant in humanity. But the Apostle Paul seeks to energize our faith when everything around us says we should be discouraged. Join our Groundwork conversation as we study Ephesians 2 to hear Paul’s assurance that, in Jesus Christ, God’s grace is abundant and we find justice, reconciliation, and belonging in God’s family. Listen now at GroundworkOnline.com and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

Show the World - Check out the new kids’ devotion at www.kidscorner.net. Have you ever grumbled? Say the word “grumble” a couple of times. Most likely, it will make your eyebrows crease and your mouth turn to a frown. In Philippians 2, Paul wrote to a church telling them to do everything without grumbling or arguing. How do we do that? Listen now at kidscorner.net and check out all the new content.

Family Fire - is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at familyfire.com. Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.

Faith Practices and Reflections Tip - Reflection and Discussion Starter—the Practice of Engaging Scripture: Read Deuteronomy 11:18-20 and ponder or discuss the following questions. This passage envisions a community that is shaped and guided by God’s Word—one in which God’s people keep God’s Word continually in front of themselves and pass it on to others. How do the Christian communities you are a part of (such as family, friends, church, other groups) live out God’s commands in this passage? (For more on faith practices from Faith Formation Ministries, visit bit.ly/FaithPracticesProject)


EduDeo Ministries: We’re Hiring! -  Are you a passionate educator who dreams of walking alongside healthy, thriving educators, leaders, and organizations in the majority world? Do you desire to work towards community transformation through growing understandings and applications of Christ-centred education? Do you want to participate in recruiting, equipping, and leading a team of global educators who champion the advancement of Christ-centred education? Are you a relational leader who enjoys challenges, diversity, change, and a job well done? If so, come join our team in Walking Together, a core program at EduDeo Ministries. We’re looking for a co-leader with a background in Christian education and a deep passion for international development to join the program and play an integral and collaborative role in bringing together teachers and leaders from all over the world to support, mentor, and guide their peers in educational workshops.

Work at World Renew - Start the New Year with a new career at World Renew and help families escape the cycle of poverty and recover from disaster! World Renew seeks to hire Marketing Communications, Human Resources, and Gift Processing positions at its Grand Rapids, Michigan location. To learn more and to apply, go to worldrenew.net/careers or call 800-552-7972 for more information

We Are Hiring at Shalom!  Working at Shalom is a great opportunity to share your gifts and talents in a wonderful workplace and to become involved in the Shalom community!  We take pride in offering the best possible care and making Shalom home to our residents.  Below are ways you can become part of this excellent team:

1. Life Enrichment Assistant – part time, permanent:  11:30AM-6:30PM Week 1: Wed, Thurs, Fri, Week Mon, Tues, Sat, Sun (2 week rotation)
2. Infection Control Attendant- part time, temporary: 4:30-11PM Week 1: Tues, Wed, Fri Week 2: Tues, Wed, Sat, Sun (2 week rotation)
3. Associate Director of Resident Care (RN) – full time, permanent: 7AM-7PM Week 1:  Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat, Sun Week 2: Wed, Thurs (2 week rotation)
4. RPNs Manor – full-time, part-time and casual positions available that include mixed lines and a night line. 
5. PSWs Manor –part-time lines and casual positions available.  There is a minimum of 18.75 hours per week with an opportunity for full-time work.  Benefits available with part time positions.

For more information about these positions or to submit your resume, please contact Lauren at hr@shalommanor.ca.

Karin Terpstra