February 5th 2023 News



In preparation for difficult conversations about sex we are going to consider a very difficult passage in the Bible. It is about rape. And it illustrates a whole lot of issues that conspire to keep things broken. This is a difficult but important conversation.

Join us at 10 am Sunday morning via live-stream or in-person, or at any time throughout the week. Pastoral Erick will present a message entitled “Sex and Systemic Sin”. He will be taking a look at 2 Samuel, chapter 13 verses 1-22.

ARE YOU CALLED TO SERVE? Mountainview’s vision is to transform lives by the love of Jesus. Within in our community we have Elders and Deacons who serve our congregation and community for their spiritual, personal and physical needs so that each person can experience and grow in the richness of God’s grace.

In the upcoming months there will be an opportunity for those gifted in walking alongside people on their life journeys to become part of the Mountainview Council ministry team. The process to identify these names has begun. If this is something you would be interested in and feel called to do, or if you know someone you feel is gifted for either one of these roles, please pass their name on to the Clerk, Isaac Van Geest, (clerk@mountainviewcrc.org) or place the nomination(s) in his mail slot.

Nominees will be asked to attend a one-hour Information Session where they will hear from current Elders and Deacons and get an understanding of the roles and expectations. Nominees are also encouraged to connect personally with a current Elder/Deacon. 

Please prayerfully consider this opportunity.




Alpha – We look forward to beginning Alpha in this week Tuesday! Want to join the adventure? Start Date is February 7th at 7pm.

Talk to Pastor Erick: ericks@mountainviewcrc.org

You’re invited to walk on the Coldest Night of the Year: The Coldest Night of the Year is a winterrific family-friendly walk to raise money for local charities serving people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness. Come join the “Mountainview Rovers” team on February 25, 2023 - fundraise, walk, and gather for good... because it’s cold out there.Questions contact Alice aposthumus@mountainviewcrc.org or text/call 905-516-42211or sponsor us at cnoy.org/home

We as a church are once again partnering with our neighbours to provide a COMMUNITY ICE RINK. The walls are up the water is in; the fence and lighting are coming this week. We just need some cold weather.

1.  Sign up to help maintain the rink. Adam is putting together a team of Mountainview guys/families to take care of Saturdays & Sundays. To sign up contact Adam 289-686-9477 or adam98@hotmail.com

2.  With a financial donation to help cover expenses such as fencing, lights, straw, water, insurance. How can you donate?
a) E-transfer: treasurer@mountainviewcrc.org
b) Online: https://crc.etadvance.com/churches/mountainview-crc/donate
(select cause ‘Community Ice Rink’)
c) Drop a cheque off at the church make sure to indicate your donation
for the “Community Ice Rink”

Questions? Please reach out at any time to… Pastor Erick ericks@mountainviewcrc.org or Alice aposthumus@mountainviewcrc.org


This Sunday’s Collection is for our Budget and for:

UPCOMING OFFERING: February 12th A.M. – Benevolence: Your contribution to Mountainview’s Benevolent Fund provides assistance for those in need in our church family and in our local community. These include basic needs such as food, clothing, housing and schooling. A church and community of our size has many varied needs within it. Please continue to support our ministry of Benevolence.

Today is Race Relations Sunday - Please consider giving your offerings today to help strengthen the CRCNA’s work in Race Relations. They resource and educate congregations as together we dismantle the causes and effects of racism within the body of believers and throughout the world. You can give online at: crcna.org/Race/Donate



Helping Without Harming Workshop - Saturday, February 4 at Smithville CRC: Our churches are always busy doing good things - both inside and outside our church walls. We support local food banks, send our youth on service projects, fill shoeboxes at Christmas for kids overseas, and we even help people out when they can't pay their hydro or water bills. But how can we be sure that our helping is really HELPING? Your Classis Niagara Leadership Development Team is pleased to host this insightful workshop, led by Diaconal Ministries Canada and World Renew Canada. Bring a team from your church and join us on February 4th at Smithville CRC from 9:30am-2:30pm. Find out more HERE or by contacting Erin Knight at erinknight2250@gmail.com or 905-931-1975.

Free Concert: Featuring Jonathan Maracle - Join Meadowlands Fellowship CRC for this in-person concert on February 11th at 7:30pm. Jonathan is a Spirit-led worship leader/singer-songwriter with a big and beautiful voice. He is also a passionate storyteller. He integrates his Christian faith as a Mohawk follower of Jesus with the traditional sounds of Indigenous music. RSVP at bit.ly/MaracleConcert2023

Choose Life Niagara Annual Dinner: Saturday, February 25, 6:00 pm at Club Italia in Niagara Falls.  Guest Speaker: Emily Albrecht of Equal Rights Institute. Join us for dinner, fellowship and an excellent speaker. Details and tickets ($50, Students $25) available at ChooseLife.ca/Events or call 684-7505. 

Attention YOUTH: We are hosting a free youth seminar on answering common prochoice arguments with Emily Albrecht from 3:00-5:00 prior to our Annual Dinner, also at Club Italia. Refreshments provided. Sign up by visiting ChooseLife.ca/Events. Students who attend the seminar may also stay for the dinner for $20.

"Waiting for the New Earth: Reading Revelation with Hope" a Lenten zoom course by Dr. Sylvia Keesmaat. Sunday evenings, 26 February to 2 April. Deep down, this book of wild symbolism is a book of hope: hope for a new earth, a new kind of city, and a new community in the face of a world that has been turned upside down. Pay what you can. Go to www.bibleremixed.ca for more information."

The Hosanna & Mattaniah Choirs Concert is back!! Tickets are now available for the annual combined concert which will once again be held at FirstOntario Concert Hall, Hamilton on Saturday, April 8 at 7:30pm. The choirs will be accompanied by Ryan Vandenberg (Organ), Andre Knevel (Organ), and Naomi Van Manen (Piano), Jacob Kramer (Baritone soloist from the Netherlands) and the 13 piece Scott Harrison Brass/Percussion Ensemble. Tickets are $20 & $30. Contact: Wendy at 905-628-1211 or at hdenhollander@yahoo.com or at www.hosanna-choir.org

All Ontario Youth Convention - May 27-28 in Waterloo, Ont. - Join hundreds of teens and leaders to learn more about "What Matters?", exploring the big questions of life in a faith-building atmosphere. Teens are encouraged to come with their youth leader, pastor, mentor, or parent and keep the conversation of faith and life going long past the weekend itself. Details are available at https://www.allontario.com/ and volunteers are needed!

SoCo Beach Project Update: It’s Official!  SoCo has a permanent ministry site!  God be praised! We are recruiting for this summer's project. Think and pray about you or a young adult you know and encourage them to apply today!  Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until spots are filled.  See the updates in the January newsletter:https://mailchi.mp/aff5bde0f840/soco-update-jan-23

Libertas Male Choir in Spring Concert - Join director Martin Mans, pianist Joyce Postmus, and organist André Knevel and the Libertas Male Choir on April 14, 2023, at Drayton Reformed Church, Drayton, ON at 7.30 PM or April 15, 2023, at Covenant Canadian Reformed Church, Grassie, ON at 7.30 PM. Order tickets at www.libertasvoices.com.

Sing with Martin Mans and the Libertas Male Choir in 2023! - New for this year, join for the full year or, on a series only basis. Contact us at office@libertasvoices.com or call 905-745-5609. Full rehearsal concert schedule: libertasvoices.com

 Biblical Study Tour to Italy (May 22 - June 2, 2023): Visit the Vatican with its Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Cathedral; the impressive monuments of ancient Rome; Pompeii and Mt. Vesuvius; Assisi (home of St. Francis); Florence; Ravenna; and St. Mark's Basilica in Venice. Join Jeff Weima, professor at Calvin Theological Seminary and leading biblical scholar, for this inspirational tour. Contact Dr. Weima at weimje@calvinseminary.edu or 616-328-3110.

LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS: Shalom Manor and Gardens is currently looking for volunteers to assist in a variety of ways, such as helping at Meal Times, helping in the recreation department, and visiting and forming connections with residents one on one. If you are looking to spend your time in a meaningful way and make a difference in the lives of others, then this opportunity is for you. If you are interested in joining our Shalom family as a volunteer, please email Kristen at volunteercoord@shalommanor.ca or call at 905-945-9631 extension 1115.

Feeling overwhelmed with anxiety, stress or loneliness. Want to talk to one of our psychotherapists or counsellors? We are here to help ! Please call 905.309.0944. We will be answering the phones Monday - Friday daily between 9am – 4pm. Sessions typically run about an hour. All of our services are free and confidential. Sometimes we all need help!

Redeemer Campus Visits - Schedule a personalized tour of campus and a one-on-one meeting with an admissions counsellor to have all of your questions about Redeemer answered. Individual visits are offered regularly throughout the week for those interested in Redeemer's undergraduate programs. Book yours here: redeemer.ca/visit


Links are available on our website under
“Community Connections” - “Partnerships”
Paper copies can be requested from the church office.


At-home Family Faith Formation Tip - Looking for creative ways to pray with kids? Check out the free resource 5 Ways to Pray with Kids from DWELL At Home at tinyurl.com/5wayspray. (Tip from Faith Formation; bit.ly/CRCFaithFormation)

Groundwork: Stay Faithful to God, Serve the Lord - In Joshua’s farewell speech to the Israelites he recalls that all his strength, successful leadership, and victories are God’s doing. He urges Israel to remember it too. Join Groundwork as we study Joshua 23-24 and discuss how we can continue to remember our promise-keeping God and all he has done for us through the work of Jesus Christ. Listen now at Groundworkonline.com and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

God Made us Different...On Purpose! - Check out the new kids’ devotion at kidscorner.net. The Bible says that each of us—differences and all—is created in the image of God. God wants us to love one another and talk about how we can grow together with all our differences. Check out all the great content at kidscorner.net like the Kids Corner Valentine Cards.

Family Fire - Family Fire is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at familyfire.com. Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.

Annual Inter-Classis Safe Church Conference - Classis Huron’s annual inter-classis safe church event is in person again this year! Join us on Saturday, March 4, 2023, 9:00 am - 3:30 pm at Waterloo CRC. Dr. Amanda Benckhuysen, Ministry Team Leader for Safe Church, will speak on “The Use and Misuse of Power in the Church.“ Christian Horizons Education Director Steve Snider will focus on supporting a person living with a disability. Carol Penner will present on “Repentance and Accountability: Forgiveness is Not the First Step.” For info. and to register go to https://www.wmott.ca/scc

Are You Using the Prayer Guide? - We know prayer is important, both for you as you pray and for the person or cause for whom you pray. Not sure who or what to pray for? Ministries in the CRCNA contribute brief prayer items for each day of the year. Use the Prayer Guide to pray through them each month. Find email sign-up links and printable pages at crcna.org/get-involved/pray


Redeemer is hiring a vice president, academic, a computer technician and an internship coordinator. Act Five is also hiring a residence manager and resident leader. Learn more about these positions and many others at redeemer.ca/work-at-redeemer

Position Opening: Director of Advancement (Canada) - Join the CRCNA staff team to provide leadership in strategic planning for the ministry share program, church and donor engagement, grants and planned giving, and other means of supporting the work of the CRCNA. This full-time position can be worked from the Burlington, Ont., office or as a hybrid role remotely in Canada. For details and to apply, go to https://crcna.pinpointhq.com/en/jobs/81800

Diaconal Ministries is currently searching for an Administrative/Financial Coordinator (30 hrs/week). This job includes good compensation and benefits. Flexible hours with the ability to work from home for part of the week. Proximity to our Burlington office is required. Start date is immediate. Visit our website for more details and the full job description at: https://diaconalministries.com/our-team/careers-opportunities/.

Cairn Christian School is looking for a Bus Driver. Join our team of amazing drivers! Single route, private school, small company. Driver rates recently increased.  Routes are available in Grimsby/Stoney Creek, Fenwick and Vineland (all terminating in Smithville). Please contact Kevin for more info or to apply. - khuinink@cairnchristianschool.ca or 519-546-9159

Our Stoney Creek site is actively seeking a paraeducator to join our dynamic team. The successful candidate will primarily have PSW responsibilities for a student who is joining us after March Break. This individual will be dedicated, reliable, and passionate about supporting students, living for Christ, and inspiring students to love, learn, and lead together in God’s world. You are invited to send a cover letter, resume, statement of faith, and references to Bonnie Desjardins, principal, at bdesjardins@cairnchristianschool.ca.  Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

We Are hiring at Shalom! Working at Shalom is a great opportunity to share your gifts and talents in a wonderful workplace and to become involved in the community! We take pride in offering the best possible care and making Shalom home for our residents. How can you become part of this excellent team? Visit our website. Contact us at hr@shalommanor.ca for more information.

Shalom Manor Long Term Care Home is hiring! We are looking for people to join our team in the following roles:
     • PSWs: full-time & part-time permanent lines
     • RPNs: full-time night line; part-time afternoon line; casual staff
     • Dietary Aides: part-time with a 10:30AM-2:30PM and a 4-8PM schedule available
     • Life Enrichment Assistant: 2 positions, working 12-8PM, Week 1: Mon, Tues, Sat, Sun and Week 2: Wed, Thurs, Fri
     • Recreation staff: 4-8PM shift available; casual staff
     • Infection Control Attendant: 2 temporary positions, working 10:30AM-6:30PM, Week 1: Mon, Tues, Sat, Sun and Week 2: Wed, Thurs, Fri

Jubilee Fellowship CRC  is seeking an office administrator to support ministry staff and committee members, enabling them to effectively implement Jubilee’s mission, vision, and core commitments. The successful candidate must have excellent communication and organizational skills, demonstrate critical thinking skills, and have proficiency in Word, Publisher, Excel, Powerpoint, Wordpress, Adobe, Photoshop, and Mail Chimp. For more information or to apply please send a cover letter and resume to Augusta at Apply@Jubileecrc.org.

An exciting opportunity is available at Bethany Christian Reformed Church (CRC) in Fenwick. We are seeking an engaging and motivational leader to be Bethany’s next Summer Camp Director. The Director will be responsible for the overall management of the camp, as well as, ensuring the provision of memorable high-quality summer camp experiences for all campers. Please see attached job description.

Karin Terpstra