July 10, 2022 News
Join us at 10 am Sunday morning via live-stream or in-person, or at any time throughout the week. This Sunday Pastor Shiao Chong will present a video message entitled “Judgementalism”. He’ll be looking at the book of Matthew, chapter 7 verses 1-5. Pastor Chong is the editor of our denominational magazine The Banner. Pastor Erick is away at SERVE.
Matthew 7 begins with… “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
Do you struggle with the sin of Judgementalism? Often in life we feel judged by those around us. If we pay attention, how often do we catch ourselves judging others?
Camp is looking for old newspapers and recycled water bottles with lids for Art week which is Aug 2nd. Please feel free to drop them off at the kids welcome desk.
Our Karen Refugee family would love to have a laptop computer. If you have one to donate or know of someone who does, please connect with any one of the deacons.
Join Tyler's Ministry Network - Tyler Couperus is looking for ministry partners both in prayer and finances as he prepares to leave our congregation and begin a missionary career with Global Aid Network in Langely BC. His new role as Disaster Relief Preparedness manager, will help him reveal hope and restore life in a world surrounded by humanitarian aid crises. He'd love to connect with you! You can reach him at tyler.couperus@globalaid.net or 289-455-0747
New Reads in the Library. We are now highlighting our Other New Books List: This week’s highlight: “Jonah” A DVD for the whole family.
Family DVD Take your family deep into this Bible story as it springs to life on stage in jaw-dropping scale with massive sets, spectacular special effects, and live animals! Filmed in front of a live audience at Sight & Sound Theatres in Lancaster, PA.
Gail Gorfe, who many of you met when she came to visit our community in February, will be back in Southern Ontario for the summer. Her son Zack has a job lined up in Brantford and will then transition to Mohawk, while her daughter Zoya will hopefully also find a summer job. Gail will be doing support raising and visiting churches and families and they are in need of a car. Both kids also need to practice their driving so Gail is looking to purchase one. If you have a car you are planning to sell, and will consider a low price to support the Gorfe's as they settle in an area, please contact the Deacons, or Karin in the office, or email Gail directly at ggorfe@crcnapartners.org. They will also be needing household items for Zack to take with him to his dorm at Mohawk, the basics, which students generally bring from home. If you can help with that you can also talk to the Deacons. This list of needed supplies is linked here. Please check out Gail’s News update on our Website for more recent details about their family and her ministry.
Resonate's Europe Regional Mission Team has a long history of fruitful mission engagement with Ukrainian people throughout Eastern Europe. Join us for this online event to hear stories and participate in a Q&A with ministry leaders who have worked in the region for years and continue to serve people who are displaced by the conflict in Ukraine. The most recent conflict between Ukraine and Russia escalated in February and has continued for the past four months. Many people have been killed, and even more have been displaced from their homes. Resonate missionaries in nearby countries have been serving these displaced people in a variety of ways. We pray for an end to this conflict and that the Prince of Peace will bring healing and hope to the Ukrainian people around the world. When: July 18th, 12-1:30pm. Register: at https://www.resonateglobalmission.org/ministry-amplified-ukraine
SoCo Beach Project ~ July 16: Come out for a Saturday SoCo 'Sup evening in Port Dover that feeds both body and soul. Learn what’s up at the SoCo Beach Project. The evening begins at 5:30 p.m. with a local fish and chips supper, followed by a SoCo guest speaker delving into one of the summer themes. Hear stories from current project participants, and how you can support God's work through SoCo. Lesli vanMilligen will help us explore "Mission Possible": Whether the world has gotten more complex or we continue to experience post-pandemic languishing, many of us feel like life and ministry have gotten more challenging. We know that with God all things are possible but sometimes what is possible seems elusive. Mission Possible is an interactive experience to unleash holy imaginations and dream new dreams for ministering in a post pandemic world. Tickets are $25. Reserve yours NOW at: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/soco-sup-tickets-379718938567?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
We’re really happy to finally celebrate Indwell’s McQuesten Lofts, which became home to over 50 people during the pandemic, in-person. Indwell and Hamilton Public Library’s new Parkdale Branch are excited to welcome you to McQuesten Lofts’ Open House on Thursday, July 14. Drop in any time between 4 and 6 pm for a treat and tour. More details at https://indwell.ca/events/.
ThereforeGo Ministries/SERVE Niagara Volunteer Opportunities: Members from across Niagara have come together to make Niagara a SERVE site once again this year, July 16-23! We are excited to offer students the opportunity to visit Niagara and serve our community! We are also excited to offer church members in Niagara further opportunities to serve their community through SERVE Niagara! If you are interested in getting involved feel free to send me a message!
There are many different ways that you can be involved based on your schedule! SERVE Niagara is looking for volunteers to help:
- prepare meals for visiting SERVE participants,
- food/ monetary donations, baking and Prayer!
- develop community among the churches coming to Niagara to participate in serve,
- clean up after a full week of meals, worship, games, and serving!
To get involved email pastordave@covenant-church.ca
FOOD DONATIONS NEEDED. You can find a list of the food needed on the table beside the food collection bins at the entry doors to the sancutary. Please indicate which items you are able to donate. All donations can be put in that bin labelled “Serve Niagara” by July 10. Any monetary donations are also always appreciated. Please contact Elana Smit (elanajsmit@gmail.com and (289)698-1155 or Rela Teeuwsen (lucandrela.2011@gmail.com) with any questions or concerns!
PRAYER PARTNERS: One key area of needed support is being a prayer partner. These are people who can commit to praying for a small group of young people and their leader every day as they serve in the Niagara Region. If you are interested or want more information, contact Cathy Park at 905-945-0177 or catherinegpark@gmail.com.
SERVE Niagara worksite supplies. Please help with lending or donating the following supplies for the youth to use at various worksites during the week of SERVE. Please contact Mark Langendoen for details of where to drop items off. marklva89@gmail.com; 905-246-3246
Items to borrow - gardening tools: hoes, rakes, clippers, etc
Items to donate: paint brushes, paint rollers, drop cloths, trays
CALLING ALL BAKERS! We would love to have some home baking for serve, July 16-23. MUST BE NUT FREE. Please drop it off at First Reformed Church July 16 or contact Rela Teeuwsen to make other arrangements. Lucandrela.2011@gmail.com.
Hearts Exchanged - is a project of our denomination designed to equip Reformed Christians to engage with Indigenous people as neighbours. The Canadian Indigenous Ministry is now recruiting participants from across Canada. Find out more information on this process ,and let them know you are interested in participating, on their website: crcna.org/hearts-exchanged
Heart Health & Dordt University – Here’s a chance for you to learn more about your heart health, and to help raise awareness for others at the same time! Recently, a mutation in the PLN gene encoding for cardiac muscle cell regulation has been discovered to affect individuals with Dutch ancestry. Since it is a genetic condition, the PLN mutation is passed along from generation to generation, and carriers of the mutation may experience a decreased lifespan as well as cardiac heart failure symptoms. A research group at Dordt University is developing a study to raise awareness of this mutation and to help people understand the impacts of the mutation on families. If you are interested in learning more about PLN and its effects, please contact Lucy Borkowski at lcybrkwsk19@dordt.edu and follow the PLN Genetic Mutation Awareness Facebook Page. lcybrkwsk19@dordt.edu
Ableism Training Hosted by CRC-RCA Disability Concerns - Join us online August 11 & 12 (from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm EDT) for our annual training event. We will unpack ableism and consider ways we can help reduce the impact of ableism in churches. This event is open to everyone interested in learning more about this very important topic. We will continue to release more information about this event on our dedicated website: Let’s End #AbleismAtChurch Register at https://bit.ly/ableismatchurch
Grants Available to Churches - The NewGround Program of Diaconal Ministries Canada (formerly called Operation Manna) offers coaching, networking, and grants to churches who want to love their community! For over 35 years, over 100 CRCs across Canada have been supported. NewGround has Community Ministry Grants, Deacon Scholarships, help with Community Opportunity Scans, AND a Youth Justice Project! Find applications, deadlines, and more information on our website: diaconalministries.com/newground/. You can also email our NewGround Program Director, Karla, with your questions and ideas: kwinham@crcna.org.
This Sunday’s Collection is for our Budget and for: Indwell
UPCOMING OFFERING: July 10th A.M. – July 17th A.M. – Christian Horizons: As a non-profit, developmental services organization, Christian Horizons helps people experiencing disabilities accomplish their goals and thrive in communities where their God-given gifts are valued and respected. Together, we nurture communities where everyone belongs. Whether at home, in the workplace, or the larger community, Christian Horizons offers a range of participation, support, and respite services to help those living with disabilities maximize their potential and forge meaningful, life-long connections. Thank you for working towards communities of belonging.
Shalom’s Extend the Blessing Campaign: This is the LORD’S doing; it is marvelous in our eyes Psalm 118:23 (ESV). In September 1979, these words from Psalm 118 were declared out loud, when Shalom Grimsby opened. We eagerly look forward to the day, when we can declare these words once again with the opening of Shalom Hamilton, Lord willing to take place in 2024. In order to make this happen, we need your support to reach our $22 million goal. Will you prayerfully consider partnering with Shalom in this expansion into Hamilton? Envelopes, including materials on the project and how you can partner with Shalom to Extend the Blessing, are available at the Welcome Centre in the church foyer. Questions? Reach out to Theresa de Roos (fundraising@shalommanor.ca) 905.945.9631, X1126 or Anthony Holl (anthonyh@shalommanor.ca) X 1127.
Shalom has a New Spring Update “Messenger”
Indwell has a new July 2022 Update Video.
World Renew has a new July Update Video.
A new SoCo Beach Project update is available each week over the summer.
Links are available on our website under “Community Connections”
Paper copies can be requested from the church office.
At-home Faith Practice Reflection Tip - Reflection and Discussion Starter—the Practice of Remembering: Read Joshua 4:1-7 and ponder or discuss the following questions. How have you, or how might you, use physical objects in your home or sanctuary to remind people of God’s work in your life? In what other ways do you, or does your church, help future generations remember the work of God? (For more on faith practices from Faith Formation Ministries, visit bit.ly/FaithPracticesProject)
Groundwork: Jonah: Discovering God's Heart - Do you want to know and understand the heart of God? Join Groundwork as we study Jonah 4 to conclude our study of Jonah and witness the stark contrast between our human tendencies and his sovereignty. Together, we’ll discuss how we can respond to God’s relentless love and abundant mercy in our own lives today. Listen now at GroundworkOnline.com and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.
Eutychus: Staying Connected and Alert - Check out the new kids’ devotion at https://kidscorner.net/. A young guy named Eutychus fell asleep during an overnight worship service and fell out of a window! How does this story have a happy ending that comforts a community? Listen now at kidscorner.net and check out all the new content.
Safe Church Ministry Series 2022: The Safe Church Basics - Webinar 3: Training Leaders and Volunteers - All church leaders and volunteers should know what constitutes abuse, how to spot it, and what is expected of them to prevent and respond to abuse well. Join us July 20, 2022 at 12pm EDT as we explore ways to train and support our safe church teams. Register at https://bit.ly/SCwebinarJuly22
Free CRC Leadership Training Course - Register now to take the Thriving Essentials virtual training in July at no cost (limit 25 persons). The two, 2 hour-long Zoom sessions on July 13 and 20 can help get all church leaders on the same page concerning the key concepts of Mission, Discipleship, Discernment, and Leadership. Take the class for yourself, then decide if attendance would benefit your core church leadership. Website: crcna.org/Thrive
2021-2022 Year in Review The 2021-2022 Year in Review is available online! Browse the full gallery and the rest of a year filled with hope and innovation here: redeemer.ca/year-in-review 40th Anniversary Celebration
Join us in September for Redeemer's 40th Anniversary Celebration! The weekend event will include a BBQ, concert, worship service and other festivities for the university's alumni and support community. We look forward to celebrating God’s faithfulness at Redeemer over the past 40 years and looking ahead to what’s next: redeemer.ca/40-years
Let the Living Water Flow - Jesus said: “…whoever drinks of the water that I will give shall never thirst, but the water that I give will become a well of water springing up to eternal life" (John 4:14). Join World Renew to learn how through our gifts we can help make clean water and better health possible for vulnerable communities around the world, and share the Living Water of Christ that is essential for eternal life–the water that refreshes all who come to him thirsty. For more information, go to worldrenew.ca/resources-clean-water-Sunday
Register Today for Inspire 2022 - The deadline for Inspire 2022 has been extended to late July! Sign up today for this three-day gathering of Reformed believers from across the continent, where we'll worship, learn, fellowship, and grow together. Plenary speakers include Bishop David Zac Niringiye, Ken Shigematsu, Sandra Maria Van Opstal, Sandra McCracken, and Steven Argue. Workshops cover topics from relationship building to creation care to restorative justice to perseverance in ministry, and more. Join us and be refreshed! Learn more at www.crcna.org/inspire
Family Fire - is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at familyfire.com. Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.
We are seeking school bus drivers for a few routes - Fenwick, possibly Vineland, an afternoon run for Stoney Creek/Grimsby to Smithville, and we are always interested in having backup drivers to pick up a run when a driver is ill or unable to drive. Cairn will provide training to obtain your bus licence. The process normally takes 3 months, so if you are interested, don't delay! (or prod someone who you think would be excellent). Contact Kevin Huinink at khuinink@cairnchristianschool.ca or 519-546-9159 for more information.
Shalom Manor Long Term Care Home & Gardens Assisted Living is hiring! Please email your resume to hr@shalommanor.ca indicating the position you are interested in.
At the Manor, we have an urgent need for:
• Part time Dietary Aide, 4-7:30PM, Schedule of days on website
• RPNs, both full & part-time lines available, casual positions also
• Recreation staff, summer coverage and steady afternoons 4-8PM shift available
Shalom Gardens has an urgent need for:
• Health Care Aide steady line for:
o Afternoons (4:30-9:30PM) Week 1: Thurs, Fri, Week 2: Mon, Sat, Sun (2 week rotation)
o Casual, available to work either of these shifts & occasional coverage for night shifts
We are hiring several summer students for the government funded Canada Summer Jobs Program. Please visit our website for more information. https://shalommanor.ca/get-involved/careers/. At this time proof of vaccination for Covid is required.
HR & Payroll Assistant / Chief Administrative Officer - CRCNA is Hiring – The Payroll Assistant (full time) liaises with the Human Resources Director and Payroll Manager working from the Burlington office. The Chief Administrative Officer has the administrative authority and accountability to guide and oversee the leadership, strategy, and performance of the CRCNA administration, ministry agencies, and ministry partners. For details or to apply visit https://crcna.pinpointhq.com/en/jobs/54561 OR https://www.crcna.org/chief-administrative-officer-search/overview
Careers at World Renew: World Renew has an exciting opportunities for you to join us in our work of Living Justice, Loving Mercy and Serving Christ. We are currently seeking an Executive Director, a Finance Manager, and a Communication and Information Assistant in Burlington, ON. See our website for more details about these career opportunities: worldrenew.ca/careers
Jubilee Fellowship Christian Reformed Church in St. Catharines is looking for a Facilities Manager to provide general cleaning and upkeep to our facility (20 hrs/wk). Jubilee is a busy church community with a preschool tenant that provides its own daily cleaning. For more information, for a copy of the job description, or to submit your cover letter and resume, please contact Alice Klamer at alicecklamer@gmail.com.
New Job Opportunity at Providence CRC in Beamsville! Custodian Position Available. The Leadership Board invites interested applicants to submit a cover letter of introduction, along with their resume to office@providencecrc.ca. To learn more about the position, see www.providencecrc.ca, or contact the church office.