July 9th, 2023 News
Join us Sunday morning at 10 am or any time throughout the week. Pastoral Intern Brady DeBoer presents the second message in a series on the book of Jonah, entitled “Misunderstood Repentance”. He’ll be taking a look at Jonah Chapter 2. Theme “Jonah repents.”
Our “hero” Jonah offers a prayer of repentance to the God who shows him a strange form of mercy. Will being in the belly of a fish change Jonah’s heart?
Please note: Bibles and pens will not be in pews over the summer due to grads and camp. A cart with bibles will be by the entrance if you would like to grab one. Pens are available on the offering vase table in the lobby or at the Welcome Centre.
UPCOMING OFFERING: July 16th A.M. – Christian Horizons: As a non-profit, developmental services organization, Christian Horizons (CH) helps people experiencing disabilities accomplish their goals and thrive in communities where their God-given gifts are valued and respected. Together, we nurture communities where everyone belongs. Whether at home, in the workplace, or the larger community, Christian Horizons offers a range of participation, support, and respite services to help those living with disabilities maximize their potential and forge meaningful, life-long connections. Thank you for working towards communities of belonging.
Dear Mountainview, Thank you! Because of you, there are new believers reading form their very own Bible! Through your recent gift alone, 6 new bleivers have receive the Living Word of God. We continue to be so grateful for Canadian donor champions like the members of your congregation. Thanks to your generous gift and the incredible transforming power of God’s word, the lives of these men, women, and children will never be the same! In His Name, Hannah, Donor Relations, Bible League of Canada
Dear Mountainview, Thanks again for your continued love and support. Thank you for blessing the Niagara Christian Gleaner! Your support is helping us curb food wasted, buld community and bless hungry, hurting people worldwide in Christ’s name. We couldn’t do it without you! Blessings, Pete GM
Mountainview, Thank you so much for your continued, faithful support to the Grimsby Life Centre. Because of your donations we can continue to offer the help and hope of Jesus to those going through crisis and grief. We are so very grateful for your partnership. Sincerely, The Team at Grimsby Life Centre
Grimsby Life Centre Ministries– Have you ever known you needed help but had a hard time actually asking for it? At Grimsby Life Centre we work to remove any boundaries that stop people from accessing the help they need. We provide free and confidential counseling services that anyone can access, just call us at 905.309.0944. We are here for you!
Grimsby Life Centre – Do you have an elderly neighbor who is lonely or a friend who is widowed? Are you in need of a long chat with someone willing to listen? Grimsby Life Centre has a Stephen minister on staff who is here to have weekly or bi weekly conversations at the ministry centre, meet for coffee/tea at a local coffee shop or go for a walk. They are here to come alongside you as you work through life’s many challenges. Everyone wants to feel valued, cared for and understood, if you or someone you know could benefit from this ministry, please call us at 905.309.0944
Check out the latest from SOCO. For young adults, register for this summer's SOCO Camping Retreat: July 21 - 23 (ages 18 - 29). Early bird registration ~ $55 till July 14. For everyone ~ come out for the SOCO Sunday service, July 23 10 a.m. at Immanuel CRC (95 Oak St. Simcoe). And stay for a free soup lunch afterwards. Camping registration: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/soco-camping-retreat-tickets-664583616487?aff=oddtdtcreator. Newsletter link: https://mailchi.mp/southcoastbeachproject/soco-update-july-6-6047473
FAMILY OUTREACH ONTARIO was there for this family and addict. This was his response after accepting he had an issue with alcohol: “I thought I could fix the problem on my own and nobody would know about it. What a mistake that has been. It almost ripped our whole family apart. Thank you so much for your love and care.” Call 905-933-3994, e-mail us at info@familyoutreachontario.com, or visit our web site www.familyoutreachontario.com.
Campus Visits - Schedule a personalized tour of campus and a one-on-one meeting with an admissions counsellor to have all of your questions about Redeemer answered. Individual visits are offered regularly throughout the week for those interested in Redeemer's undergraduate programs. Book yours here: redeemer.ca/visit
Links are available on our website under
“Community Connections” - “Partnerships”
Paper copies can be requested from the church office.
NEWSLETTERS FROM OUR MINISTRY PARTNERS – Available under “Community Partners” on our Website. Posted as they come in. Paper copies can be requested from the church office.. Browse through the work of local and CRCNA ministries...
Groundwork: Lead Us Not into Temptation, but Deliver Us from the Evil One - Perhaps you’ve wondered, “Does God lead us into temptation?” Join our Groundwork conversation on the fifth petition of the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:13 and Scripture passages that assure us that God does not lead us into temptation. We’ll discuss the nature of sin, what temptation is, how it plays out in our lives, and how praying this petition helps us remember our own identity and purpose. Listen now at Groundworkonline.com and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.
Kids Corner: Anxious About What's Next - Check out the new kids’ devotion at www.kidscorner.net/. God wants us to copy him. As Christians, we’re called to “be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:24) every single day Do you think Joseph felt anxious while living in Egypt? He had been sold into slavery by people he trusted—his brothers! He was accused of a crime he didn’t commit and thrown in jail. Joseph no doubt worried about what might happen next, but he trusted that God had called him and was with him in the midst of his anxiety and fear. .Check out all the great content at kidscorner.net like the Bible story podcast “The Story of Joseph.”
Family Fire - Family Fire is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at familyfire.com. Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.
Youth Justice Project - Make a difference in your community! The Youth Justice Project is a video contest funded by NewGround (a program of Diaconal Ministries Canada). Teens from CRC’s across Canada are invited to identify an injustice in their community and share ways they hope to address it, along with the deacons of their church. Approved applicants will receive up to $6,000 as well as coaching and support from NewGround staff. Get your youth group together this summer and start planning! Find out more here: diaconalministries.com/newground/new-ground-youth-justice-project/
Do you enjoy equipping and connecting with people and sharing stories of God's faithfulness? The CRCNA is hiring an online community and content manager, whose role will be to assist the CRC and its members, congregations, and agencies to connect in new ways by linking people with each other, with ministry resources, and with stories and testimonies of God’s work that transforms lives and communities worldwide. It is part time and can be hybrid or remote. To learn more or apply, go to https://crcna.pinpointhq.com/
Resonate Global Mission has the following fulltime position openings: Communications Specialist (Hybrid in Grand Rapids, MI) and Operations Manager, Church Planting (Remote/Hybrid in US or Canada). Please visit www.crcna.org/jobs for details or to apply.
Global Coffee Break is hiring someone to promote and support the regional Program and Resonate Core Initiatives in churches and organizations by connecting leaders to a leadership learning community, training, leader care, and coaching. 10 hours per week. Can be worked remotely anywhere in Eastern Canada. Learn more at crcna.org/get-involved/careers
Work at Redeemer - Redeemer is hiring! Learn more about positions at redeemer.ca/work-at-redeemer
Great Lakes is Hiring a Part-time Dorm Parent and a Part time Driver (van or bus). For full job details and how to apply go to https://glchs.on.ca/about/job-opportunities/
Cairn Christian School is looking for a Bus Driver. Join our team of amazing drivers! Single route, private school, small company. Driver rates recently increased. Routes are available in Grimsby/Stoney Creek, Fenwick and Vineland (all terminating in Smithville). Please contact Kevin for more info or to apply. - khuinink@cairnchristianschool.ca or 519-546-9159
We Are hiring at Shalom! Working at Shalom is a great opportunity to share your gifts and talents in a wonderful workplace and to become involved in the community! We take pride in offering the best possible care and making Shalom home for our residents. How can you become part of this excellent team? Visit our website. Contact us at hr@shalommanor.ca for more information.